I think today was the worst day of my life*cries and locks my door*


I think today was the worst day of my life*cries and locks my door*

18 34
*sits there and cries*
Bai?!?!? ~Lex
Bai plz. Tlk to me. I can help.
hey im here for u
jus tell me whts wrong. *hlds out hand*
hey hey *wipes ur tears* its ok
Bai. *hlds ur head up so u look at me* hey its ok. im here for u. any time u need. i promise. jus tell me whts wrong
*wipes eyes*everything
Today I got called ugly fat stupid a slüt a bïtch and it was my moms birthday*cries*
i can promise u rn tht u r none of those things. u r very beautiful. ur not stupid or fat. ur for sure not a slüt or a bïtch ur really sweet and oh tell ur mom happy birthday for me. ik she dont know me but its the thought tht counts
she's dead....*cries*
*gasps* omg i'm so sorry i...i didnt know
i bet ur Mom is lookin down on u rn and is so happy of the sweet beautiful person u have become
*hugs u*
its ok bai.
*hugs back keeping the arm I cut away*
*grabs arm and looks at u* hey there is no need for this...u only make it worse
*looks down*
hey look at me *lifts ur head* ur beautiful and ur strong u dont need to do this.
yes I do*cries*i just wanna be with my mom
*wipes ur tears* ik. *hlds ur hands* but im sure ur Mom wants u here so u can do great things.
*looks at you*
*smiles* bai i promise ur gonna do great things n this world. u can move mountains. u jus got to believe n ur self a little. i believe im u and support u 100%
ur so welcome *smiles and looks at u* hey im always here for u ok? u know how to get ahold of me either do it through Eric r jus come strait to me. ok?
ok *smiles* little better now?
a little
*smiles back*
i'm pretty sure i jus made a new best friend
*smiles* absolutely!!
*smiles* u said u wanted more friends right? well...i'm not much but im here for u
of course
hey how was today? any better? *smiles*