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(omg I can't find my headphones im gonna die if u can't hear Troy sing about his feelings then I do it.. and like scare the neighbors. oh gosh. um. sorry idk why I tell you this stuff, your just fun to talk to!)
(((no sorry))) BIPPPER DIPPPER!!
Dipper- what? Mabel- YOU GUTS SHOULD HANG OUT!!
guys* (like no your guts are gonna come out of your body and talk about thier feelings)
YEAH!! *pushes them together* (oh my gosh I just thought when she did that "make loove" WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH MEH?!)
(everything.thats what.) NO YOU GUYS SHOULD BOND!! bond like James Bond! dipper- you just ruined James Bond.
(oh not again.. couldn't find the headphones. *runs outside and prances through the yard* BET ON IT, BET ON IT!! and yup the neighbors are judging. (I actually did that.)
Dipper- IM NOT A FREAK! Mabel- dunt call him a freak.
Dipper- *gets really upset and punches bipper in the face* it's dr.funtimes. not freak, freak. Mabel- oh my gosh.. please no.
(yup, yup. my whole life has turned into the HSM soundtrack. great.)
Dipper- OWOWOWOWOW! Mabel- *pushes them apart* STOP IT! this is exactly why you need this!!! you gotta learn how to get a long!
Dipper- HEY! Mabel- I don't hate him! you shouldn't either he's great! Dipper- thank you.
(OH HALLEIGUAH (idk how to spell) I found headphones! I should get some kind of award for worlds most horrible voice-crackingest singer or something)
BIPPER HE IS NOT AWFUL! remember this is my brother your talking about! Dipper- YEAH.
( AND THE AWARLD GOES TO....RILEY! FOR THE MOST VOICE CRACKS OF THE YEAR! Me- YAY! *goes onto stage then trips* that was casual.)
I don't know
Dipper- I'm not awful. Mabel- yeah. Dipper- BIPPER IS! *points at him* Mabel- no he isn't!
GUYS PLEASE STOP!!!! Dipper- OOWWWEEEEE!!!!! stay out of this mabel!! *pushes her back* Mabel- no!! please just stop!!
Dipper- *starts crying then pulls his finger back and kicks dipper where it hurts* Mabel- I CANT TAKE YOU TWO FIGHTING ANYMORE!! *runs upstairs*
(AYE BATTA BATTA AYE BATTA BATTA SWING!!! sorry I had to get it out)
Dipper- I DID?!? UUUGH- you know what.. I'm sorry... *helps him up* this is my fault.. mabels right.. we do need to bond like "James bond" or whatever she says.
look I'm sorry man. I know you aren't bill.. I just have trust issues..
(dat was dip sorry)
Dipper- *backs up a bit and looks at ground sadly* I can't argue with that..*sighs*
Dipper- SO YOU ARE BILL!!!! AND YOU WILL NOT KILL ME!!! *throws a pillow at him* (it's just like Pokemon.. PILLOW I CHOOSE YOU!)
(oh sorry I didn't know.. and YAS!) are you serious, how am I not supposed to when YOU LITTERLY WERE JUST HIM.
(what happened to the world? I just saw something about someone who is going to kill them selves tonight. that is awful. you only get one life.. no second chances. think about everything you miss out on.. I feel so bad for them..)
Dipper- Bill.. I knew it..
(yeah.. but i just can't believe they would do that...) Dipper- hardly! and um.. what do you wanna mean..
Dipper- WHAT?!?? OH MY GOSH, BILL. *face turns red*
Dipper- I don't know how to answer that....
Dipper- no, no I do not...
what are y- *gets under spell* hey there..*flirting*
Dipper- because your the worlds most perfect man.. *makes a sexy cat noise* (((IDK)))
dipper-call me.. mr.sexy. *smirks* ((I am so bad at love stuff..))
*tears off his shirt and look at him in a sexy way and shakes his booty* you know you want it.. come and get it..
*gets close to bipper* I said come and get it..
Mabel- *comes down stairs* hey g- *sees dipper dancing without his shirt on and flirting with bipper* I don't wanna know. *backs up back into her room*
Dipper- *smirks and kisses his cheeck* it's not that gross when ya think about it.. when it's us it's adorable..*keeps shaking his booty*
oh no no no.. *grabs bipper by the shirt and puts his arms around Bippers waste and rocks back and forth* *whispers* wanna party..?π
*puts a party hat on Bippers head* lets party.. like its New Years.. 5...4...3....2...1... *kisses bipper and holds him so he can't pull away*
*kiss turns into a French kiss, then pulls away* you liked that.. didn't ya..
is it Opposite Day.. cause you know you love me.. *makes another sexy cat noise*
oh honey.. don't hurt yourselves.. what is there not to love about me..? I mean I'm totally ripped. *shows him his abs but there really aren't any*
*lets him go* he'll be back.. they always..come back.*watches him with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face*
(don't imagine dipper with abs...he's not adorable with abs..)
*looks up at him from where she is sitting* well, that's nice for you two.
*doesnt notice his eyes and eyes et teary and sighs* sure.. I guess.. whatever. good luck in your relationship..*cries and walks out of her room*
(that is true. but abs honestly don't suit him..)
(hey sorry my wifi turned off for a minute) Dipper- *shows up* sorry, sis. he loves me now. Mabel- I know.. I'll miss you bipper..*kisses him on the cheeck and does a sad smile at him and tries not to cry* bye Bippy.. *walks off*
(and...here comes the tears)
*ignored him and keeps walking and cries* Dipper- oh, fiesty are we?
(it's gonna be okay.. it's gotta be okay.. oh wow a sad song just came on perfect timing more tears..)
dipper- don't kill yourself, you still have me. Mabel- *cant hear him and sits by a tree and cries like crazy*
Dipper- *laughs* it's cute how clumsy you are. Mabel- *thinks about all the good times her and bipper had and cries more* STOP IT HEAD!!! *gets up and runs far away*
(yeah.. every time I hear it I get really emotional.. I'm Litterly listening to a song called sad song..)
Dipper- your cute when your sad t- *breaks out of spell* ah man what happened.. bipper!? what's wrong??
Mabel- *reaches a train and jumps into one of the train cars* goodbye gravity falls.. dipper.. Pacifica.. Grunckles..*sighs and a tear rolls down her cheek* Bippy... have good lives.. I don't want anything to do with this anymore.. *cries in her knees* (Mabel went full on like depressed..)
Dipper- WHAT!?! oh gosh.. I don't remember loving you.. I'm so sorry about mabel.. I can help explain to her if you want..
Dipper- I will, I will!! now where is she..?
*train passes the water tower and she sighs and cries*
*looks up at them*what do you want..
Dipper- Bill put a spell on me that made me like him.. it wasn't me and bipper doesn't like me.. it was bills fault.. Mabel- seriously..
well.. if the story's true.. Dipper- IT IS!!! Mabel- then yeah I still love you..*hugs him back and smiles*
yeah.. I'm sorry I thought that.. it just scared me I guess... sorry....
Dipper- trust me, it better have. um.. we have a problem...
dipper- *points outside the train door and there is a sign that says "welcome to NYC"* that..
*stares outside* oh gosh... this is all my fault..
dipper- not arguing with that. Mabel- oopsies..
*runs over to him and hugs him trying to comfort him* it's okay..
Dipper- *starts shaking his booty again* do you like my talala
Mabel- *sits there awkwardly*
(idk! I'm a disturbing person..) dipper- *pushes Mabel out of the way and pushes her so hard she falls out of the train* THERE YOU ARE!
Dipper- oh would you leave that girl alone.. she's not worth your time. BUT I AM!! *grabs Mabel from him and throws her outside and her head hits a rock and she passes out* nobody's in my way now!!!
*pulls him back and the train starts moving again* bye bye Mabel!
nope! *holds him so he can't get out and eventually they are so far away that they can't see her*
dipper- and I love you! Mabel- *wakes up and rubs her head which is bleeding* g-guys? *looks around* they left me here...? in New York..all by myself.. *sighs*great..
(((okay.. I have to go soon.. sorry if I'm not on bye.. I might be back later..)
(((wait I'm still here and will be for a while)))
Dipper- promise you'll come back?
Dipper- then I won't let you go! *smiles*
robber- *comes up to Mabel with a gun* GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!
I-I-I don't have any money!!
Dipper- *snaps out of spell* WHAT!? THATS MESSED UP MAN!
Dipper- OW!!
robber- I said give me your money! Mabel- but I.. Robber- I WILL SHOOT! Mabel- HELP!
robber- What the.. okay!!! *picks up the gun and runs off* Mabel- woah..*hugs bipper* thanks..
yeah.. *smiles at him* (I seriously need to change the song im listening to I've been listening to the same one for like 2 hours now..)
so.. this is New York.. wow... *looks around
okay.. wait we can't just leave him here though..
ew... um.. maybe the spells off?
I mean.. would you really wanna be on the streets of nyc by yourself... think about how he feels..
(be back soon I gotta let my phone charge for a couple minutes)
(((back))) don't kill him..
*follows him* DIPSTA!!! where are you?! Dipper- oh hey guys
hey bro bro
Dipper- dude I said I was sorry I'm not gonna kiss you..
dipper- I WAS NOT!
that is weird... don't do that dipper..
Dipper- sorry...
*looks confused* okay then..
*looks at dipper then back at bipper* but he'll be mugged or killed or something..
Dipper- okay!! *runs up to them* so what should we do while we're in New York..?
oh come on.. we're in New York! don't you wanna go like.. see a Broadway show or go to time square or something??
yay!!!! where could we though.. I mean.. everything here's like s bazillion gazillion dollars..
I wanna tell you not to steal but that's really pretty and shiny.. can I touch it...?
Dipper- woah
ooooh...shinny... *pets it* Dipper- *rolls eyes at him*
Dipper- *picks it up and smirks* maybe with this we could get a resort for two.. with one bed.. *sexy cat noise*
(((sorry if o don't respond fast I have sucky wifi)))
Dipper you ruined cats..
Dipper- acctually I made them sexy..
sexy. *shakes his booty again and Mabel stands there and looks terrified* now for you my sexy friend.. *grabs his hand and leads him into a big hotel and shuts door on Mabel so she can't get in* here's where we'll be staying!
*shouts through screen door* IM TRYING!! *attempts to get in*
Dipper- *opens door and kicks her in her nono bubbles (the duplicated girl part)* Mabel- OWWWWWWWWWW!!!! *cries*
Dipper- so it does hurt..? *keeps kicking her there* Mabel- STOP IT!!!
Dipper- that hurts my sexy fiesty friend.. now let's go. *grabs Bippers arm and pulls him up to a really fancy room with one bed*
*in really bad pain* I- I don't know what to do!!! uh.. *sighs and walks away from door*
Dipper- yeah..you give up. you didn't stand a chance anyways. *plops down on bed*
*climbs up a ladder on the side of apartment and breaks through the window and punches dipper* YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE YOU BOOTY!
*hugs him back * no problemo... Dipper- *picks up a lamp and smashes it on top of Mabels head knocking her out* you should've left us alone sister..
*heads bleeding a lot from the glass* dipper- oh who cares about her. *takes her from him and throws her down out the window into the dumpster* now your mine..
*you see a real big pile of blood under her when you look down* Dipper- whatever go. you'll be back, your gonna need a new soulmate since your old ones gone..
(((I gtg goodnight)))
(((sure I guess or do you wanna do it on the one that we were yesterday)))
(((oh.. oops I'm stupid sorry. then ya)))
((thanks but not according to everyone else... whatever lets just roleplay))) *wakes up and couphs* w-what..?
*kisses him back then smiles* nope.. I'm still here!
yeah.. I guess we should.. *looks up back at the floor dipper is in and sees him shaking his booty* oh God.. look away!!!*covers eyes*
*walks with him and trys not to look back at dipper* okay..
I can't do it... *runs back to find dipper* BROSEPH!!!
I might be... but I can't leave my brother here!!! DIPPER!!!! Dipper-*spell is gone and he's sitting on the side of the hotel* STAY AWAY!! I DONT WANNA HURT YOU GUYS!!
Dipper- *starts crying* I'm sorry.. I feel awful... Mabel I wasn't trying to kill you.. it was the spell..
Mabel- I know... *rubs elbow* I guess it's okay..
Dipper- *looks worried and it starts snowing* oh wow.. perfect timing. Mabel- ooh.. it's so pretty! but it's sure a lot c-c-colder then g-gravity falls and C-California..
*smiles* thank you.. Dipper- *ignores him and stands up*
Dipper- *sighs* yeah..
Dipper- *follows them and looks kinda sad*
*sits by him* yeah.. hey, some things were good I guess. Dipper- and those things would be? Mabel- I dunno I was hoping you had something..
(((I'm here sorry)))
aww! *hugs him*
(((lol I think my parents forgot about that one hour thing)))
yeah.. maybe you guys were right.. maybe you guys just aren't meant to be friends.. *sighs* I'm sorry I pushed you.. I was just trying to help...
Dipper- your right man..
Dipper- yeah.. do ya wanna be..?
*shakes his hand* cool man. Mabel- what were you guys talking about.. DUNT KILL EACHOTHER PLEASE!
okay, okay! sorry...
(((back sorry about that))) *looks at bipper and smiles at him* tired?
(((what does Gucci mean?))) *laughs and pats him on the head then falls asleep against the wall*
Dipper-*falls asleep on the ground*
*wakes up and yawns* morning bippy.. I had this really weird dream were we all got stuck in nyc.. oh it's not a dream
*stands up* well maybe we can do something cool while we're here?
(((sorry I left I had to feed some baby kittens.. IT WAS ADORABLE!)))
Dipper- *stands up* you mean... the Statue of Liberty?
(((lol it's Gucci))) OOOH!! YEAH!!!!
this'll be awesome!!!
Dipper- *laughs* don't worry.. it didn't..
Dipper- *joking* or maybe it did..*shakes his booty and makes the sexy cat noise*
Dipper- I'm joking.
Dipper- OW, sorry man.. yeesh!
*laughs a little* so how do we get to lady liberty anyhow? dipper- well.. according to my calculations.. Mabel- calculations are boring! we're going the fun way! *grabs them both by the hand and pulls them downstairs and on to the streets* this way we can see more of New York!
(yay victorious just came on my music. tonight we are victorious!!)
(all my friends were glorious!!) *giggles and blushes then looks around new york* that's a lot of people.,
(nice!! do you have Spotify??) oof! Dipper- calm down man.. it's okay.
(oh cool) Bippy, it's okay! see.. the people are nice! look! *goes up to one* hi I'm mab- person- out of the way kid. *pushes her down* Mabel- oof! okay.. maybe not nice..*stands up*
(I just put my playlist on shuffle and its playing abunch of old songs and emo songs then just everyonce in a while there's a movie song) *person punches bipper in the face then runs off* HEY! THAT WAS NOT OKAY! *flips the person off and runs over to bipper* are you okay?
(ME TO!!!!)
*hugs him* I'm sorry he did that... do you want me to get you an icecream?
(((AWWWWWWW!!!!!))) okay! *goes over to an icecream booth and gets some icecream and gives it to him* here ya go
your welcome π
(((lol demons just came on and everytime that comes on I think of bipper)))
(((that's awesome!!)))
(((omg you know how everybody says they are Phan trash because they ship dan and Phil real hard.. I IS MABIPPER TRASH!)))
(((SAME!!!! #MABIPPERFORLIFE!! it's like.. the worlds best ship!!)))
(((that's awesome! lol when you made bipper like Mabel.. I wasn't even on and Wendy sent me a screen shot of it and we both had huge fangirl attacks then dipper figured out and pulled this whole protective brother thing. it was awesome, that honestly was one of the best days of my life)))
(((really? I would never do that!! I honestly couldn't hate somebody even if I tried.. especially you! your like my best friend on here, and why would I kick you out of the group?)))
(((oh.. okay.. I'm sorry they acted like that..)))
(((mine to! lol dipper and his sleep.. he acctually fell asleep irl for that. and me and Wendy were like spamming him constantly until he got on, it was great)))
(((OMG CONGRATS!!!!!)))
(((aw man.. gotta go I'll be on soon!)))
(((hi! welcome to the page from waffle)))
(((I dunt know what's wrong with my phone and where it got waffle but lol)))
(((yus!!))) So...how about we go see lady liberty now!! we could take the subway.. (I imagined them all riding a sandwich.) Dipper- are you crazy. Mabel-yes.. wait why am I crazy this time? Dipper- do you know what the subway smells like?! Mabel- a.. sandwich? Dipper- NO! ARMPITS AND MAN HAIR AND BO AND GIRL STUFF! Mabel- girl stuff...? what's that suppose to mean..? Dipper- girls get smelly in places to.. down places.. Mabel-π³
(((hey!))) Dipper- I just do.. and not cause of Pacifica! Mabel- oh my gosh.. *sits there awkwardly* I don't smell like that do i?!?
Dipper- what? it's just life man
*giggles* that was actually pretty adorable.. Dipper- welcome to my world.
*laughs* ITS SO CUTE!!!
Dipper- what. *snaps into spell* hi....
no..no bad dipper.. go back to normal!! Dipper- shut the f**k up little girl.. *runs over to bipper and kisses him*
(((oh...okay sorry I didn't know..))) Dipper- oow, playing ruff are we?
Dipper- lies lies lies all lies.
((blllleeh I gotta go I'll be on in a couple hours sorry)))
(((hahaha! i think you just invented the Mabel rap 2.0)))
(((*claps* that was beutiodul. )))
(((idk what the heck is wrong with my phone. but it still talks better then me XD)))
(((oh okay do you want me not to? I'm sorry! I didn't know it was your thing..)))
(((oh okay! I say sorry to much sorr- I mean.uh.. nevermind)))
(((I once tripped over a door knob)))
(((that was random)))
((YAY!! sorry I'm like really over reacting but I don't know anybody who trips over stuff and they all make fun of me cause I'm a klutz and trip on the weirdest things. BUT YAYYYY!!!! FINALLY!!!! IM SO HAPPY NOW!!)))
(((okay!))) Dipper- what do I gotta do for you to spend one night with me? *touches dipper in a sexy way*
(((helloi from de other side)))
yeah. but hey. live life to the fullest, now. *pulls out a knife and holds it really close to Mabel's throat and she gulps* if you want you pathetic girl friend to live.. your gonna spend the night with me, got it...?
Dipper- great. *pulls knife away* now let's go.. *grabs his hand and runs back to the fancy hotel they were in earlier leaving Mabel there* Mabel- bye....*sighs and waves*
*whispers* okay...I love you to... *stands up and checks into a hotel room and sits on the bed and plays on her phone and is lonely* Dipper- here we are!! *goes into a hotel half across town from Mabel's and goes to a really big room* this night will be great! *takes off shirt*
dipper- YES! *starts unbuttoning his pants then snaps out of the spell* GAH WERE IS MY SHIRT!
*text Bipper* is everything okay over there??
dipper- did I do it again...
*text* what's he doing??
Dipper- well that's..odd....
*text* that is just wrong..um...wanna come over to this hotel? there is not a dipper taking off his clothes over here..
(((when ever I'm constipated I sing the circle of life from the lion king.)))
Dipper- okay....? Mabel- okie dokie. it's on the other side of town from you guys.. *gives him directions*
((( lol, it's true though, when ever I hear that song I'm like " OMG ITS MY CONSTIPATED SONG!")))
*giggles and lets him in*
(((I am a strange child.)))
(((hehe, yup.))) *hugs him back* I missed you to!! without you it was the boringest 10 minutes of meh life..!
(((what the heck I'm just listening to a song and it's interupted by " DO YOU NEED DENTAL FLOSS?" me- no.. go away "WELL THEN YOU NEED" "no I don't..." "DENTAL FLOSS BRAND!!" "I really don't. go away now. "*explains everything about it*" "wow. I didn't need that. wasted time.")))
hehe.. okay.. *kisses him on the check* so what do you wanna do?
alright!! *grabs his hand and pulls him over to the bed and sits next to him and accedently turns on a scary movie* AHH!! *hides in sweater* nonono..
*puts her head on his shoulder and voice squeakes* o-okay...
(((I saw a sweat shirt with that on it and I was like "omg..it's my spirit animal")))
*attempts to explain it* well..they...uh.... um... I don't know how to explain it..
*mumbles* how babies are made...
yeah...that.. *nervous laughing*
*pokes him* Bippy...? are you okay??
*giggles and blushes* good..*kisses him*
*eventually pulls away* so... what do you wanna do now? I heard there was a swimming pool downstairs..wanna go swimming?
Okay!! yay!! I'm gonna go change into my swim suit!! *goes into the bathroom*
Dipper-*text Bipper* where are you man?
*comes out of bathroom in a pink bikini with a star on it* yeah.. they need to like.. warm it. I don't know.
Dipper- *text* then how are you texting me...
Dipper-*text*whatever man. Mabel- what are you looking at..?
*blushes and giggles*
okay!! *follows him and eventually gets to the pool and does a cannonball* WOO HOO!!!
*pops head out from water* do it!!! it's fun, trust me!!!
oh come on.. you can do it!
(gtg.. sorry goodnight!!)
(hehe sure but wait *holds pinkie up* like a lads duty)
(Hahahaha, that's awesome)
(YAS!! that's like my favorite p!atd song!!!!)
(((somebody's making fun of dipper. is it okay if I'm not so Mabel-like for a second?? cause I got somebody to kill...)
(sure. I'm really worried about him... a lot of people are jerks and I'm afraid if this one goes to far.. there's no more dipper.. don't tell him I told you about this though..)
(I don't know... I asked him what happened and he never replied.. I don't think it's on PC though..)
(okay thanks for the help.. I really hope he's okay.)
(well.. I figured out who it was..)
(I will! I can't believe he did that!! ugh!)
(I guess.)
(((yeah sure)))
(((okay.))) come on! just jump!!
(((well there goes my first boyfriend.. guess life is back to hopelessly crushing on guys that I don't even have a chance with.. great..))
*giggles* you gotta get use to it..
(((hehe okay! thanks!)))
yeah.. that must be REALLy weird for you,.
(((honestly I'm kinda sad but kinda happy at the same time cause all that boyfriend pressure was way to much for me like seriously it's like Him- I wonder what it would be like if we kissed me- GAHHH NOOOOOO.. EWEWEW.. that acctually happened and I flipped out an ran away.. I need some help with love..)
that is odd.
(((true. and sorry I don't have any body to talk to about it right now so I'm just telling you I guess.. I'll shut up.. I'm sorry..)))
bleh that is gross! how does that even work your both guys!
I don't get it..
(((emo bands are suprisingly helping. wow )))
(((yep I'm not even emo but wow.))) why not? it's not like they have any where to stick the nono sticks except maybe thier but* but- oh...
I'm sorry!!!!!!!
I didn't mean to.. uh., I'll be quite..
okay.. I'm sorry I said that.. I was just guessing I mean I only know the girl half.. I was just guessing I wasn't expecting that..
I don't know..
*laughs* yeah.. oh hey check this out! *does a handstand under water* I did that, it acctually worked that time! woo hoo!
(I'm wearing a flannel and its 90 degrees. why did I wear that today.)
thank you! *takes a bow and accedently slips* WOAH WOAH WOAH!
*blushes* hey... (YAY)
(It looks like hers to!)
*giggles* thank you.
thanks Bippy.. *stands there for a minute and then just suddenly kisses him*
(((okay.))) *pulls away* I love you...
(((I gotta go.. I'll be on later! bye! oh and thanks for letting me talk to you about dipper and the stupid boyfriend thingπ sorry I had to let it out somewhere...)))
(it's so weird cause the second I turn on highschool musical it's just like BOOM I FEEL BETTER.. to much better probably I'm just standing on my couch and singing what time is it at the top of my lungs and using the remote as a remote.π)))
(((nu you don't emojis are life)))
(now that you told me not to I want to..)
(((why not?)))
(((I'm gonna do it)))
(((okay, okay, I won't!)))
(((okay))) *smiles at him and blushes then yawns* boy.. I'm tired
((( I was looking up paper towns on YouTube and once I searched p p!atd came up and she asked me what that was and I was like..uh.......)
*smiles* aww, thank you!
*laughs* woo hoo!!!
Oooh! thanks!!π
*giggles* I love you, too *smiles*
*hugs him back and smiles* G'night Bippy..
*eventually falls asleep to while smiling*
(((aren't there more then one bridesmaid??? WE CAN BOTH BE BRIDESMAID!))) *still is asleep and talks in sleep* pickles.. tigers... puppies... *giggles in sleep* yes Bippy! I will marry you!
*wakes up and rubs eyes* huh.. oh good morning *yawns* Bippy..
*gets out of bed* are we still getting married..
yay!!! *hugs him and giggles*
WOAH.. that's beutiful... thank you!!*looks happy as ever and kisses bipper on the cheek*
(((oh.. sorry..and dis is why I did not pass English.))) yayayayayay!!! meh dream just came true.. Literally!!
(((sorry I have to go.. I might be on later though.. sorry my scedules been really screwey latley..)))
(((it's okay, do you wanna continue?)))
(((alrighty!))) *hugs him back* I dunt think- Dipper- *is back in spell and kicks down the door and looks crazy with a knife in his hand* YOU SAID YOUD SPEND THE NIGHT WITH ME!
*scared* d-dipper? calm down.. Dipper- OUT OF THE WAY, KID! *pushes bipper off of her and throws a knife straight in her heart* Mabel- AHHHH!! *holds here chest and it's bleeding like crazy and starts crying*
B-Bippy? why is everything blurry...
Dipper- you know it won't be okay, and I'll have to comfort you, see ya later, baby. *walks out door*
a-are you sure..? *couphs up blood and accedently gets it on his shirt* o-oh sorry..
okay.. I- if it isn't.. I-I love y-you...*passes out before the magic can fully heal her*
(((oh okay it's fine.))))
*arms fall to side and blood comes out of the side of her mouth* Dipper- *comes in* need some comforting arms..?
Dipper- why..? whatcha gonna do about it. *doesnt budge* you look like you need some lovin..
Dipper- *snaps out of spell and looks around and runs outside out of pure fear*
*no response but starts barley breathing*
*slowly wakes up and coughs* B-Bipper..?
*looks surprised but then kisses him back and weakly smiles*
*smiles and looks kinda sick* I'm still here.. and I'm glad I am... I'm glad I'm still with you..*blushes a bit*
*hugs him back happily* I just can't believe dipper would do that.. I don't get it.. *gets a text and starts crying*
h-hes gonna k-kill himself because of it!! we gotta stop him!!
(I watched all 3 highschool musicals (judge me all you want it's a good movie) and I started crying when the 3rd one ended.. what is wrong with me?!)
he isn't a murderer.. that was bills fault.. not his! *feels really weird then clutches stomach* I think I'm gonna be sick..! *runs into bathroom and you hear barfing noises*
(thanks π)
yeah just a little *barfs in toilet* sick.. but I'm okay now...
*wiped off mouth* are you sure..??
o-*sneezes*okay.. thanks Bippy.. text me if anything happens.. okay..?
*watches him then falls asleep on couch* Dipper- *is on the Empire State Building and about to jump off*
Dipper- what do you want..
Dipper- but I'm just gonna end up killing everybody.. I already killed Mabel and I don't want you dead or anybody else.. *looks at the edge again*
Dipper- but she could be.. and it would be my fault.. I'm sorry man.. but please let me go..
Dipper- wait.. what? you do..? okay.. I won't leave.. *hugs bipper* wow, I'm really sorry I was a jerk to you man..
(WHY ARE KNOW AND NOW SO CONFUSING?!? I'm (attempting) to write a play and I keep confusing those words!!)
(((yeah!))) *pats his back* that's okay man.
Dipper- I'm getting kinda tired of the big apple. wanna head back to gravity falls?
Dipper- yeah.. where would we get one of those anyhow?
*shrugs* alright then.
so where is Mabel?
Dipper- *follows him* Mabel- *wakes up* Broseph...? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YOU COULD HAVE DIED! Dipper- sorry... Mabel- *hugs him* NEVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU POO! Dipper- okay but that was an awful insult, just saying.
yeah, me to.. I wish we were back home though.. New York is tiring..
*looks around then runs over to bipper* Bippy?? are you okay..?