Night ✨


Night ✨

7 0
night, Colleen :)
Sorry for the vintage contest
* gasps*
so what's up
um at my grandparents house and tomorrow morning we're going for pancakes
is it true Canadians like maple syrup?
of course it's true
hey do h guys get Canadian maple syrup anymore?
I'm not sure
okay ask me something about America
ok um... oh! how much r taxes
a lot
too much
I'm not even an adult
like 50$ or 100,00$?
probably the second one
it depends
now ask a question about 🇨🇦
do you really have bagged milk?
oh my
your turn
who r Trumps parents?
trumps dad was a member of the kkk and trumps mom illegally emigrated to America
I don't know their real names tho
wow now I get why he's "out of place"
hey question does Canada have anything similar to the kkk?
what's kkk?
okay history time
okay so kkk stands for klu klux klan
they're a terrorist group and need to end
and what's that?
historically they formed after the civil war and basically consisted of racist white people who wanted slavery back
I sorta get it
in fact they frequently attacked black people and foreigners
needless to say they're the American version of názîs
and just like ñažis , I'm looking forward to the day they all die
I can see why
k ur turn
who's your current prime minister?
I bet they're way better than trump
our prime minister is Justin Trudo
idk how to spell his name
oh nice
I miss Obama
we all do. and by all I mean all around the world
your turn I guess
what's 🇺🇸 most popular food
hamburgers , not surprised
I actually dislike hamburgers
what about Canada
maple syrup and bacon
maple syrup is awesome
what do you think of America?
yay it is
hey gtg really srry
also America is very racist (no offence)
true unfortunately
and also sexist/homophobic