I heard stressed out on the tv and my sisters and I loved it and sang it everywhere and then it began..


I heard stressed out on the tv and my sisters and I loved it and sang it everywhere and then it began..

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hot topic and my friend loves them and they got me into them
in 2014 me and my dad had a pact to discover 5 new bands and they came to town and I saw them and was hooked
Stressed. Out. (the most basic answer in the world).
I went full on emo and I listened to fall out boy radio on Apple Music (when it was first free) and car radio came on and I was like i nEeD mOrE
My english teacher played Car Radio for us one day. then i started listening to more of their songs.
I wrote a giant explanation about how I first found them and became a fan and stuff but basically-Stressed out cover on The Daily Signs YouTube channel-candle part-wanted to listen to more
me and my friend did silly music videos to heathens and stressed out, then it all spiralled into craze