I'm a victim of bullying. 
I survived. 
And I stand up against bullying.


I'm a victim of bullying. I survived. And I stand up against bullying.

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omg just stand tall even if you don't want to see you need to get up and be you and stand proud. even if it hurts.😘
Please don't do that. Please don't. Throw away whatever razor you have, throw away whatever knife you have. IT IS NOT WORTH IT. Your worth so much more than the blade on your skin. Yes you have flaws and you have problems but that's what makes you human. And you are a beautiful talented young woman and what makes you even more beautiful is that you strive to fix those problems. But sometimes those flaws cannot be helped and that's OKAY. And sure there are going to be people in this world who aren't going to like you and who aren't going to love you for who you are but that's OKAY TOO! And yes you have problems and you have flaws and sometimes those flaws and problems cannot be fixed but that's OKAY TOO because your mistakes flaws and problems are what makes you you and no one in this entire world is perfect, no one is. If I didn't love you and if I didn't care about you then I wouldn't be saying all this to you. If I didn't care or love you then I wouldn't be talking to you in the first place, I wouldn't be worried about you, I wouldn't be concerned about you, BUT I AM. I have lost someone to suicide before and it is not a good feeling to have. I will be very very sad and upset if you were gone. I'm serious. And never, ever lose sight of what's really important because you're worth so much to the people who love you, you're worth so much to them and you need to always pay attention to all those "I love yous'" and all those "I care about yous'" and all those wonderful compliments people tell you because you always do these amazing collages and you are so smart and clever. Don't loose sight of what makes you you because your an amazing person.