ProLife and Proud


ProLife and Proud

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pro-choice and proud
pro life and anti murder and proud 😊
"anti murder"
I believe abortion is murder. idk that's my opinion so I thought anti murder =anti abortion *shrugging emoji*
pro-life! 🌸
literally everyone is "anti murder" w tf
it's an embryo not a child go take science
people are dying around the world and you are making pointless posts like this?
proud of you 🙃😑
good, because that's exactly what I strive for
for you to be proud of me
so was my response
Kinda is if you're raped BRUH
It's actually a debate anytime cause it's not even a baby until it comes out of the vagína
why would you be proud of that?
because life is sacred? and it's not right to murder?? like why is that even a question