Collage by spideyx


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I was going to type some things but they jumped me out of the app☹️
i was sunburt in the too photos 😂
you are very handsome, you always look handsome in your photos ❤️
even when you’re as red as a tomato
mhmm i like all of the angles
and your freckles 😍
it’s hard to choose a favorite
the angle in the far right photo reminds me of that tiktok trend
when the girl would hold the camera and the other person would take it as they lift up and she turns around to hug them
even though you’re sitting down
i have a clear view of my thrown
you’re hot, even though you don’t think you are
i don’t know if i like those photos
hmm i guess i’ll have to remix you more often when im not so busy or tired
i like looking at you too, my favorite remixes are your photo dumps
or your remixes with your paragraphs, you decorate them very well :)
aw that’s cuteeeee 🥺
i like reading them, if you wrote a book about me i would read it
i’d like that tooooo
i don’t want to talk
because i don’t want to talk about it? okay bye