Oh yes! 👏🏻🌹Happy weekend! Wow it is so hard for me to come up with captions...True life.✋🏻Question: Favorite book/series/fandom? See if you can guess my top three😏


Oh yes! 👏🏻🌹Happy weekend! Wow it is so hard for me to come up with captions...True life.✋🏻Question: Favorite book/series/fandom? See if you can guess my top three😏

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My favorite books are Harry Potter, The Graceling Realm series, and The Winners Curse serious currently, Harry Potter always remains number one, but all the other ones change. For you, I'm going to guess Harry Potter as one of the top three, and maybe Hunger Games? I honestly have no idea! ✨
@Tutorial_klf: You have great taste.👌You got two of them, HP and HG! It might be hard to guess the third...😏
wOW!! 😍
I know this quote from a third grade play. I'll never forget it because I got the main character and she watched everybody mess up, and these guys come along.
love this collage 💯💯
favorite book: dang hard...Warriors series, divergent, Harry Potter, Jurassic park series, next by Michael Crichton, vitro by Jessica khoury...
you really have your unique style in text as well!! love it!!! you are so talented
I love your collages 😍😍
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