How i see me


How i see me -matthew

24 15
doubt it-matthew
i feel like my stomachs made of bricks and my heart made of dog poop-matthew
im 16, gay, i like anime. im from illinois. i like this guy blake from fxckderek account but he hates my guts because this old frined of mine thought itd be finny to chat with this guy life-is-terrible then say we were dating while i was offline for the weekend-matthew
yeah....i spent the night at a hospital and my friends have been fussy....blake is most likely hating my guts right npw and one of his friends that was tying to help out my friends yesterday isnt talking to them-M
no not really. thanks anyways-M
don't see yourself that way Matthew😔
its just what i see in the mirror-M
don't think like that
don't see yourself like that be strong 😪
M- my friend
A- awesome
T- to cool
T- the best
H- has a big friendly heart
E- excellent
W- was born to be awesome
;3 we care!
that is not true