Lu: I LIKE TYLER— *dies*


Lu: I LIKE TYLER— *dies*

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Galaxy: ;~; I feel like that this is my fault....
Galaxy: yes it is...
Galaxy: ;~;
Galaxy: ;-;
Aw Lee-Chan, always so adorable. And it's nice to meet you, Lucius.
Wannabe? What're you talking about, small child. *smirks*
Heh, I'm sorry..!~ I thought you were 12 or something..~
How cute..~ *flicks your forehead* What kinda human are you..?
Interesting, so tell me about yourself.
*wraps an arm around your shoulder* Lee-Chan was a good person, I miss her now....
Oh..~ So you're not a human...?~ What a surprise. *laughs*
*pokes your face* Like this?~
Ah! How scary!~ *pokes your face non-stop*
*smirks and laughs* ...!! That tickles!~
How come my friend..?~ *looks at his finger*
I see, but they're not that sharp, to be honest.
That's cute.. Do you have an opinion on me..?~ I'm just curious.*smirks at him*
Oh, well I was.. I should work on myself I bit more. I'm too shy and I cry too much, like a lot. And my parents complain about it a bunch, so yeah.
Sorry. I'm just an idiot, and I'll always be one.
I just get dumber and dumber each day, don't I?~ I'm still shy and all, so you could say I'm bipolar. I have three sides. One side I'm violent and rude, the other I'm shy and kind once in a while, and the other I'm all sarcastic if and joking around.
I know, I know, I'm a terrible person. You don't need to tell me.
Yup, you're right. I gotta get things straight.
Okay then, go on.
I never knew.
I'm confused
oh, yeah, your from sky's page. oh yeah, sorry but if you guys ever break up then they could date
okay okay, but if you do, I will ship them. 😊☺️🙃😆
down boy, good boy *scared*
I know *she says with sass*
*pee my self a little* Plz let me live
*blushes/embarrassed* ..............
I'll go change *walks away*
*comes back in clean clothes* I'm back and ready for round 2
_* walks backward* oh god I'm not ready for round 2
good boy, good lion, plz spare my life *saying while walking backward*
*falls to the floor* ..............