Requested by: ImAOtakuDorito 🌚 Lucy's hot,your not lol (jk you all are beautiful human beans) and also duudeee the newest chapters are getting soo good omg 😭👏🏻


Requested by: ImAOtakuDorito 🌚 Lucy's hot,your not lol (jk you all are beautiful human beans) and also duudeee the newest chapters are getting soo good omg 😭👏🏻

43 1
share da plot pleaz
mmmm yeaa~
I'm ok (;;
This is beauty
no problem and thank you!
Sorry I changed it up. I couldn't seem to find anything, that in my opinion would fit the "Bad End" theme
So I spiced it up and made this
Feel free to add anything. A quote that would suit them being brothers would be cool but it's all up to you. Sorry that I didn't leave much to be done but it still looks unfinished, you know what I mean???
yea,I understand
thank you!