Collage by softkisses


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oh my goshhhšŸ„ŗ the flowerrrrr
itā€™s so pretty :) I love sunflowers!
i think itā€™s romantic šŸ„°
where did you find a boy that appreciates you this muchhhh šŸ„ŗ boys donā€™t appreciate girls most nowadaysss
i love how observant you are :)
what other love gestures has he done??šŸ„ŗ
this is exactly what the booktok boys are like, you sure Aaron is not a fantasy character?šŸ˜‚ a woman definitely wrote him
does he know how to speak Spanish? :)
maybe the gods sent him down as a blessing šŸ˜‚
so he LEARNED Spanish? just to sing to you?šŸ„ŗ
oh my god thatā€™s so sweet šŸ„¹ Iā€™m going to fry
you have your own Cameron James šŸ„¹
itā€™s a boy that learned French for this girl he had a crush on :) from the movie 10 things I h^te about you
heā€™s just like Aaron :)
yeah :)
hello Mariah!šŸ’—
howā€™s miss perfectttt :)
YOU are šŸ™ƒ
hello Mariah ;)
how are youuuu? :)
Iā€™m okay :) I was wondering if I can talk to you about something?
yes! yes everything is okay- Iā€™m just- have you ever been with someone and.. had doubts?
like.. doubts if they have enough time for you or if maybe it wonā€™t work out? or that youā€™re stressing for nothing?
I donā€™t know.. Iā€™m just worried for Roxy and i- what we have. sheā€™ll respond and then disappear and then sheā€™ll say sheā€™s tired :(
it does :( I understand that sheā€™s busy.. but Aaron warned me of this
he said this was one of the reasons why he fell out of love with her
no- maybe I should? :)
i guess youā€™re right :) itā€™s just hard to do things with her when sheā€™s never here.. and when she promises to make it up, itā€™s just like last time, and .. *sighs and smiles* I donā€™t know
on the bright side, how are you and Aaron doing?
i just donā€™t like it when she disappears in the middle of the conversation :( I get if itā€™s a few times but she does it everyday
you two are so lucky to have each other :) and I mean so so so lucky. it must be nice to find someone that makes you that happy
maybe it can :) if sheā€™s around enough for the conversation to start and end
maybe once you two get married you can adopt me šŸ˜‚ I need nicer parents
she just disappeared again :(
i wonā€™t take up too much roommmmšŸ„ŗ
Iā€™m just going to lay down for a bit :(
I know :) I would never want to put that pressure on you- but being with you always makes me feel super safe ā¤ļø but even if I were to live with you guys Iā€™d make you an amazing breakfast every morning ā˜ŗļø
if sheā€™s on :( hmph
of course! Iā€™d make delicious pancakes shaped like hearts šŸ„°
what do you meannn?
i was considering going to you and aarons wedding with her as my days but.. I donā€™t even think sheā€™d be on when itā€™s happening :( Iā€™ll just go alone
I also love hearts šŸ„°
i kinda wish I had what you have :) just hearing alllll the things that heā€™s done for you, said to you, thatā€™s anything a hopeless romantic can dream of šŸ’— and especially if he has things going on, and he still is prioritizing you, thatā€™s a good thing :)
Iā€™ll have the peefecf dress ready :) whatā€™s the theme?
prefect ^
oh thatā€™s perfect, Iā€™ll wear a blue dress :)
i always look pretty in blue šŸ’™
i am getting a little sleepy ā¤ļø thank you for listening to me mariah :) I know we donā€™t know each other perfectly well but, I trust you and I believe in you šŸ’— thank you for everything :) I love you best friend šŸ¦‹
mmmm how about a best friend? ;)
also good morning!! šŸ’—
i hope you have a good day today :) and itā€™s nice to have a friend again
now I can give you pretty makeovers and give you cookies alllll the time
yes we can!!! AH this is so exciting ā˜ŗļø
i didnā€™t talk to her yet, weā€™re going on a date I donā€™t want to ruin the moment
I saw these adorable dresses and I thought Iā€™d get them for you! :)
are you a fan of blue and red?šŸ„°
whatā€™s wrong? :(
Mariah something is wrong :(
Mariah, come on, you can be honest with me? Iā€™m your friend- Iā€™m sure itā€™ll make you feel better to open up
so whatā€™s wrong? :(
I know it can be hard sweetheart, but itā€™ll get better :( heā€™ll come on and galk to you and things will be okay. why are you making so many spelling mistakes?
are you okay?
what did he say? :(
Iā€™m sure something came up :)
hello mariahh ā¤ļø
how are youuu?ā¤ļø
hey Mariah? :) I have a question, would you be okay with Aaron calling other girls ā€œpretty girlā€?
noooo but Roxy did, I just thought it was a common thing?
Iā€™d be mad uncomfortable too šŸ˜…
i just asked her about it, but she seems.. pretty upset recently
Iā€™ve been gone for a day because Iā€™ve had something personal happen and she says ā€œare you going to talk to me or no? or are you just busy?ā€
not the comment I wanted to see today.. thatā€™s for sure :(
but I just really need you an a-Aaron right now.. Iā€™m just so u-upset and whwn I came on to tell Roxy- I-I saw how she used her tone a-and now I donā€™t want to open u-up anymore..
*sniffles and wraps my arms around you* my mom just got diagnosed with c-cancer.. and im just so distraught, and so upset, and I came in here to rely on Roxy but t-then she talked that w-way and - *cries and shakes my head*
*shakes my head and sniffles a bit* w-well I was going to.. and then I saw her t-tone and now I-i donā€™t feel safe enough to tell her. when she was gone for hours I-i talked to her nicely and gave her reassurance.. I was gone a day and thwn i-i got that text and - *shakes my head and sighs* it just made me cry harder than I have been. i-i really wanted to rely on her..
*nods and wraps my arms around you gently* Iā€™m just crumbling. my mom has to stay at the hospital until she passes because she canā€™t breathe on her own.. and j already miss her even though she hasnā€™t passed yet.. she only has a year left :(
he told he heā€™s experience something similar.. *rubs my eyes and smiles slightly* Iā€™m just scared.. I love her so much. i canā€™t imagine losing her- and the fact that heā€™s life has a time limit- Iā€™m just- I knew this day would come but I didnā€™t know it would be this soon.. :( I was with her at the hospital yesterday for the whole day. the nurses said she only smiles when me and my dad come to visit her
i can yeah :( sheā€™s just so tired all the time and usually stays in bed. we walked around the hospital together but sheā€™s always in pain.. my poor mom :(
I know.. i am really trying to be positive, but it feels like the light inside me is slowly dying :( sheā€™s helped me so much and now sheā€™s in pain all the time.. *sighs and shakes my head* everytime I go to see her I just feel like crying, she doesnā€™t deserve to be in pain :(
*rubs my eyes a bit and looks at the mascara on my hands* well shoot- *sniffles and grabs my tissues from my purse* it is a lot of emotional baggage to throw on you, I donā€™t expect you to know what to say angel?
*wipes my eyes and smiles softly* and you are helping šŸ’›
Iā€™d honestly love another one :) your hugs are so nice šŸ’›
i do feel a lot better too ā¤ļø
*smiles softly as I lean forward with my arms open* thank you sweetheart :)
good morning best friend ā˜€ļø :)
how is my beautiful best friend?ā˜ŗļø
i am doing okay :) and youā€™re just okay? do you need anything?
wellll friends support each other right? i can support you ā¤ļø do you want a teddy bear or maybe someone to cuddle with? :) like my cat?
i do ā˜ŗļø sheā€™s a orange cat! her name is daffodil ā˜ŗļø
would you like to meet her?ā˜ŗļø *smiles and gently scoops up daffodil when I see her on her bed* good morningggg sweetieee *smiles and pecks her ear before rubbing under her chin*
sheā€™s such a princess ā˜ŗļø *smiles and places her on my lap, getting a makeup brush and some highlighter* do you wanna see something adorableeee?
watch :) *smiles and nods at you before applying some highlight to my cheeks* whenever I do my skincare or my makeup *smiles as daffodil paws at my elbow, meowing softly* - daffodil also wants hers done :) *smiles as I grab a clean brush to gently apply some ā€œhighlighterā€ to her face-8
*smiles and gives her little ear rubs* would you like to hold her? :)
*smiles and gently places daffodil in your lap, tilting my head as I see her smell your chest and hand*
I KNOWWW sheā€™s so so so cute ā˜ŗļø *smiles as I pet daffodils ears gently as she swirls around a little to get comfy on your lap* sheā€™s usually a very good kitty when meting new people :)
sheā€™s a little over a year old now :) *smiles and strokes her paws, seeing her close her eyes against your thigh*
i adopted her actually *smiles as I tilt my head softly* she makes me love life even more than I do šŸ’›
*smiles and looks at you for a moment before nodding* welllll maybe we and daffodil can come over whenever you want kitty cuddles :)
oh aww ā˜¹ļø well maybe when weā€™re alone and having a sleepover *smiles softly and nods as I hold your hand*
how are you doing today sweetheart? :) *smiles and wraps my arms around you* are you having a better day?
yeah? about what? *smiles and wraps my arms around you into a gentle hug* you two are so cute together :)
okay :) I understand *smiles and rubs your back gently* Iā€™m feeling okay :) me and Aaron just talked too before he left
*pauses for a moment and looks at you* how did you know that?..
ohhh, ohhh okay, I got super confused :) but yeah, I do appreciate both of you helping me, you two are such angels šŸ’›
how are the kids? :)
thatā€™s good :) do you want to do something togetherrrr?
hello angellll, happy Valentineā€™s Day šŸ’˜šŸ„°
did you get any giftssss?
on Valentineā€™s Day.. I didnā€™t even get to talk to her today :(
Iā€™m so upset :(
I just got broken up with..
she said she doesnā€™t have time for me :( this is the worst day ever
now whenever I look back at this day Iā€™ll just.. Iā€™ll just h^te it šŸ˜ž
she could have waited.. I just- :(
I canā€™t even explain how much sadness I feel rn. all I wanted was to just have a fun date.. to share this holiday with someone that cared about me. I didnā€™t even get to say that I loved.. that I loved her šŸ˜ž
Iā€™d love one right now
*nods and wraps my arms around you gently, pouting a bit as I rub your back*
*rubs my eyes a bit and lets you go gently, smiling a bit* thank you Mariah?
I donā€™t want to be a bother to you?..
I donā€™t know Mariah :( I donā€™t feel.. safe here right now.. to talk about my feelings :( your comments just make me feel like this isnā€™t the best time
god I h^te all of this. this was supposed to be a great day, a fun day, a love day, but all I got was just.. heartbreak. all I want is to be happy, is that really so much to ask?
I just.. donā€™t want to sound mean :(
Iā€™m just so broken right now. I feel betrayed by Roxy and.. god :(
Iā€™m sorry Mariah :( I just.. donā€™t feel like itā€™s the best time? youā€™re tired, and I donā€™t want to drain your energy even more. I just.. donā€™t like talking to someone when theyā€™re sending short responses. Iā€™ll talk to Aaron about it, but maybe tomorrow we can do something together?
Mariah, how can I trust you and pour my feelings out to you when you respond with three words? youā€™re so lucky- youā€™re so so lucky. you have a fiance that would drive through hurricanes just to see you- and- I want that. I thought I had it, I was so fooled. I was fooled and used and lied to.. in some small ways Iā€™m in awe of what you have, Iā€™m jealous of what you have.. all I want is what you have
thank you.. I think I just need some time right now
surpriseeeee šŸ„°
I just miss him.. no words can describe it. and it pains me because of jealous of alllll those couples who always get to see each other, or get to go on cute dates, or get to actually spend time together. or when he comes on I think of when heā€™s going to leave :(
i know itā€™s not his fault :( I just.. god I miss him so so so much mariah
yeah.. youā€™re right :( Iā€™m just so upset. I have so much I wanna do with him, and I miss.. being in his arms, and doing things with him, my dreams and memories arent enough, I want to be WITH him
but Iā€™m so so glad you understand, I feel so safe to rant and vent to you šŸ©µ thatā€™s the only positive with this
yeahh :( thereā€™s nothing I can do as of right now
butttt, maybe we can make things more lightful? howā€™s you and aaron?
me too :) I just feel so lonely
yeahhhh? :) what have you done together!! tell me the deets!
good morning bestie šŸ©·
ohhh was he the ā€œannoying drunkā€ or ā€œlovey drunkā€ or ā€œhyper drunk?ā€
how did you ruin the moment?
donā€™t worry I willlll- or wonā€™t :)
how was your sleep?
those are the best drunk people to be around :)
I wish mine was longer tooo, I am getting sickkkk
yeahhh ā˜¹ļø im just not feeling too good
also I want to ask you a question :)
do you like stuffed animals? :)
oh perfect!! I saw one at the thrift store and thought Iā€™d get you one! ā˜ŗļø
awww but I wanted to! *smiles and opens up my purse to grab the mini teddy bear*
I donā€™t know? šŸ˜‚ maybe people reallyyyy appreciate youuuu
maybe itā€™s Mariahā€™s day !
well gifts are only given with love :) soooo, the people who give gifts to you must love you
wellll we are making love if Iā€™m being 10000% honest, but some friends get uncomfortable when their friends are super honest :)
wellll I donā€™t want to lieee :)
but thatā€™s great to hear, and if Iā€™m being completely transparent, were making love before my dad comes home .. and he called šŸ˜…
it was very nice šŸ„°
I love spice in my s^x, it makes things interesting :) plus it can be nice in a relationship. it means more with someone you love
I like how we get each other šŸ„°
soooo how was the watergun fight? :)
honestly women are good at it toooo, but I do have a male lean :)
oh my gosh! is he okay?!šŸ˜‚
women are just soooo beautifulllll, itā€™s hard to find a woman that isnā€™t šŸ™ƒ
tsk tsk, men šŸ˜‚
butttt did you have fun? :)
thatā€™s good :) you know, Iā€™ve always wanted what you and aaron had, not in a jealous way but.. in an admirable way. before I met blue, I never had someone admire me and do silly things with me, kinda like how he does :)
I do feel super happy.. he feels like my other half šŸ„° heā€™s meeting my dad actually
would you like to do something? :)
maybe we can just talkkk
Im Iā€™m being transparent, I could be better :( and thatā€™s an understatement
blue said heā€™d have more time this weekend to spend with each other.. and he hasnā€™t come on ever since Friday
I know I sound like a big baby by complaining all the time but I miss him so much.. I miss his cuddles :(
he said he was busy.. I miss him so much Mariah :( like so much
he came on now actually
yeah.. he must be busy
I think I might do something to distract myself for a bit
how are you and the kidsss?
I donā€™t want to leave him.. thatā€™s the last thing I want to do.. if Aaron was doing this what would you do?
thatā€™s great :)
I like how he listens to you and your worries :)
but Iā€™ll just.. maybe talk to him. Iā€™ve never felt this lonely before, well, maybe thatā€™s not entirely true
in a way, I feel touch starved
he just left :( he never came back
it is not fair.. when he stays on for a long period of time maybe Iā€™ll talk to him about this
he sounds like he was written by a woman.. someone whoā€™s constantly making sure youā€™re okay, knowing you for you, you know? :)
I think I have before but maybe he needs a reminder
can I ask you a question Mariah? :)
I willl, whenever he comes back
if you and aaron had a disagreement or a fight, how did you handle that? like how did you two re join?
guys with good communication are angels.. they make things so much easier
and thatā€™s why you two stayed together for so long :) right?
some people can be very stubborn.. and it harms the relationship :(
awww šŸ„°
aww I hope you feel better :( if you need any cocoa or tea just let me know, sweet dreamsss mariahhh, love you too šŸ©µ
Mariah? Mariah I need you :(
blue broke up with me :(
he said he didnā€™t have time for me :( I didnā€™t even get to talk to him
he said itā€™s for the best
he even asked me ā€œwhy is it that whenever Iā€™m gone you always make a new guy friend?ā€ :(
I canā€™t help if Iā€™mlonely :(
yes Mariah :( with friendships
I would never be disloyal :(
ohhh okay
that was so sudden.. :( I donā€™t know
I thought at least weā€™d talk about it first
itā€™s not your fault :( things happen I guess
I know.. I guess thatā€™s what hurts too, he didnā€™t really wanna try
and it hurts more because he met my dad :(
I thought maybe we could fix us :(
yeah.. he even told my dad he wanted to marry me one day :(
this is possibly the worst day of my life :(
well maybe second
thereā€™s nothing I can do :( I just gotta heal
ugh this hurts so much :(
I was so vulnerable too.. ugh this is terrible
good morning :)
how are youuuu
Iā€™m doing okayyy
just okay? :(
yeah.. very actually, itā€™s so tough knowing heā€™s not mine anymore :(
Iā€™ve been crying so much my mascara keeps running
I donā€™t think I should wear mascara for a bit
Iā€™d really like one actually?
*smiles softly and wraps my arms around you* prepare for me to be an emotional wreck
*frowns and hugs you very gently, sighing softly* well on the bright side, you and your fiance are doing well, and.. Iā€™m trying to find more positives
it has nothing to do with this but I need something positive to think about šŸ„² my gosh am I total wreck
I just want loveee is that too hard to askkkk
Iā€™m sorry.. I can see how that can be annoying
I just really want what you have. itā€™s what my dream is.. my dream is to find love. I swear i donā€™t mean anything bad towards your relationship. I just sometimes bring it up because itā€™s something we can connect on. but Iā€™ll stop now
Iā€™ll make sure not to do that?
I know, I just thought he was the one
Iā€™m impatienttt
yeah.. well thereā€™s nothing I can do
Iā€™ll try :) thank you
hey Mariah :)
hey mar :)
Mariah?.. Mariah I really want to talk to you :(
Iā€™ve missed youuuu:(
we havenā€™t talked in a bittt
Iā€™ve just been having a rough week šŸ„² Iā€™ve missed you a lot
how are you?
itā€™s okay :( life just s%ks recently
weā€™re all tiredddd, Iā€™m just trying to journal a lot more :)
I just really really want love, I want it so bad
I just fell for a girl and she didnā€™t feel the same? it s^ka
itā€™s okay :) I guess it happens?
thatā€™s what everyone keeps saying..
but yeah, maybe youā€™re right
I do appreciate you listening to me though
how are youuuuu and aaronnnn
thatā€™s okay ā¤ļø maybe I should comment somewhere else?
thatā€™s good :)
welll umm.. šŸ˜…
guys more definitely :) why?
but thereā€™s nothing I can do really? :) about her I mean
hm :)
or feeling any romantic connection
I like how we agree on the same thing :)
I can love the right person, Iā€™m just waiting for them :)
howā€™s your sister Meredith? :)
I think youā€™re the only friend I have that I can be myself around ā¤ļø
everyone deserves love :)
maybe we should have a sleepover :) hangout?
thatā€™s good :)
definitely šŸ„° youā€™ve never made me feel anything less than special
and youā€™re such a good friend and a good listener šŸ©·
your house? we can even let your children join :)
we can do a biggggg kid sleepover :)
oh my gooddddddšŸ„¹ can I please meet your one year old?
what if we paint together? :)
oh my goodness šŸ„¹ letā€™s go right now
*smiles wide as I knock on your door gently, holding my painting supplies in my hands*
Mariah!! *smiles wide and sets my stuff down, opening my arms*
*giggles and hugs you gently* Iā€™m so happy to be here :) can I see her?
*smiles wide and offers my hand to you* lets see her together :)
*smiles and walks into the room to see scarlett* oh my goodness šŸ„¹
awww sheā€™s so cute!! *smiles and kisses her cheek gently* sheā€™s such a sweetheart šŸ„¹
I think sheā€™s a little shy *smiles softly and leans down so Iā€™m at eye level with Scarlett* can you say hi Scarlett?
sheā€™s making my ovaries explode right now :) *smiles wide and walks up to Scarlett slowly* hello sweetheart? *offers my hand to her and smiles, gently wrapping one arm around you*
AHHH oh my goodness *smiles and kisses her little fingers* you are such a cutie *smiles and sticks out my tongue and laughs*
she has such a strong grip *smiles and strokes her cheek with my thumb* now I really want a baby šŸ˜‚
*smiles and sits on the ground next to her toys* she is :)
what if weeee.. played with her? or watched a movie with her? *smiles wide and kisses her head* sheā€™s such a cutie
*smiles and nods as I offer my hand to you* show me how she likes to be played with :)
*smiles softly as I take your hand as well* sheā€™s such a cutie, she must have very strong arms ^smiled as I sit down with you and leans my head on your shoulders
so, why donā€™t you tell me more about your family? *smiles as I sit next to Scarlett, holding my leg to my chest*
like, how many siblings you have? sisters? *smiles and tilts my head softly*