oh and also you gotta tell me you love me 28/10 ❤


oh and also you gotta tell me you love me 28/10 ❤

82 2
nunu needs a gf
what if the truth makes you sad?
nope, nvm dumb question.
it's okayyy it's sundayyy
you're welcome !! I'm pïssed though bc someone quick liked me on my thiscrush and I can't figure out who 😤😤😤
yes please it's bugging me because I need to know!!!
I'm not a loser :((((
this convo is over since you're a meanie
it is since you're no help to my dilemma and you called me a loser 🙄
idk but it's highkey stressin me since my "boyfriend" (if I should call him that) most definitely didn't send it ahh
the guy has never made it official so I'm always confused and it's just not like him to comment randomly
yes but I don't think he picks up on it
eh I don't think it'll be much use
well it doesn't really matter to me, he knows I'm his and vice versa
it is :)
very tiring, and yours?
can I ask you something?
is it you that posted?
on my thiscrush
oh I'm really sorry for asking you, I just don't know anyone else. sorry
I'm just trying t figure it out so I can talk to that personally privately somewhere else then PC so they don't feel weird
no one, my sorta bf said it wasn't him :/
I got a way for them to talk to me figured out, it's all good
yeah, hopefully they talk to me
it's prolly just someone pranking me bc I have legit no other options
them idk who it is
no they're not :(
hi good morning !! :')
no, I'm pîssed
my thiscrush, how I feel, my exams, my bf ignoring me ,, the usual lol
stressed and sick, and idk but he's hardly ever on :/
it doesn't change anything, idrc I just want someone since I don't feel good
it's cool, I don't want to seem like I'm trying to get to you since your girl wouldn't like that aha
still not trying to get myself into anything so it's fine
yeah sorry, but congrats on your girl
I heard differently but okay
some friends I have on here
apparently you're associated w a girl named laney and you're now talking to someone named Abby, I'm but really sure exactly but good for you for finding someone :)
awh I'm sorry, I really thought you had found someone
maybe you won't have to wait long
you never know
why so certain?
maybe you can get that girl and have a positive relationship, you seem like gr8 boyfriend material
can't know until you try
don't be
because you need to put yourself out there, slide into the dms, do your thing, getchu a girl
don't worry about what everyone else thinks, just focus on her
you don't know that
nunu my head really hurts and I'm cold :(
come save me from death