Rules for my little princess :)


Rules for my little princess :)

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wowie daddy 🙊
yesss :))
nooo, it's perfect!! hehe!
okay daddy, i love you so much ❤️
i hope you sleep well tonight dada x
oh my goshhh daddy, it's lateee
well daddy doesn't let me sleep past 11 :((
heyyaa daddy :)
i have a stuffie nose 🤧
i think i'm a little bit sickieee
ohh welllll
when i go to sleep, i want spams!!
i'm tireddd, but i might wait for dada..
heyy daddy, it's almost bedtime for me :((
i really miss you ❤️
i'm still sickie :(
i'm absolutely exhausted and tired so i might sleep early 🙊
i love you, hope i can be in your arms soon x
miss you 💔
i'm having really bad dreams daddy, please come back...
hey daddy :((
i miss you so you miss me..?
maybe even a tiny bit??
...i love you ❤️
okay daddy, i love you, always ❤️ i just miss you...maybe too much..
hii.. 💗
heh yeah... :(
he put me in a really bad mood..he hates me :(
i just wanna be friends with him but...
it's impossible..
i miss you..sorry.
i'm just gonna go..
he hasn't said anything..i just know he hates me..
i'm just..sad 😔
that's what's making happier :)
will you be on frequently again..?
it's okay, you don't have to try so hard daddy..
i understand.
but you also have better things to do dada, i don't mind.
oh daddy :(
i know it's hard, but it'll be'll be okay.
do you want some cuddles daddy..?
i love you ❤️
i want daddy to be happy :(
as long as daddy's happy, i'm happy.
well i started school today :(
and it was the worst...
i just wanna drop out. i hate it so much..
i started crying during a class..and everybody was staring..
i miss you.
i hope everything's better..
my friend's taking me to the doctor today.
i don't wanna go...
they're gonna send me away. or make me stay in the hospital for a long time...
i love you ❤️
hey lancey..
um it's my birthday in a few hours and i'm just wishing, you'll be on..
even if it's just for a little bit..?
i know you have better things to do, but even just for five minutes...?
i miss you..
i'm sorry..i love you..
oh lancey...'m sorry.
i understand now...i'll stop bothering you..
it's my birthday now..i'll miss you ❤️
i love you.
i'm gonna try and wait all night for you daddy..
i'm worried daddy :(
i love you..
i miss you tons dada, i hope you don't forget about me..