This has to be the biggest thing I've found yet


This has to be the biggest thing I've found yet

5 7
This is really big proof that 8Kids_NoAdults may be fake. They're are so similar! Either the accounts may be run by the same person or 8Kids_NoAdults copied Sibling_Life.
This is really big evidence that 8Kids_NoAdults is fake
@cindystarzx I was really happy I found this, this is HUGE. I also think I know how my account got deleted, but I'm not going to say anything. Plus iiuniqueii said sibling_life deleted or something around last December
@lovetospin I think we have our evidence. I should go into law or something
^^ that might be wrong idk
I guess it is some evidence but we need more proof to be completely sure
yeah I see were your coming from.
the password won't work
I was hoping you would write about that!
They also both make a point of saying how many people they. They both are like, That's right, (number)or A whole (number)
yeah, I noticed that ^^
I can't log in the password is wrong...
It's not just that the password is wrong, I think it's just gone. Or someone hacked, changed the password, and put it private
I'm not hating on your opinion, but maybe 8kids_noadults got the idea for their account from the other one....that's just my idea please don't hate
yes it is similar but I still think that 8Kids_NoAdults are real
What was that account about the runaway siblings called? I can't seem to find it
wait what three was another one with 7 kids to I will try and get the name again for u
it was -7kids-
np and thx
it's us your looking for is it then
Thought so. Also, he is some proof to why 8kids_noadults may be fake. All of the siblings have the same writing technique. Same grammar, same wording, ect. The 9 year old's writing sounds a lot like the 13 year old's writing, and I find this very odd.
^ Ikr
Lol, I was just about to write about that copy! Yep, sounds exactly like them just with 7 siblings.
we ain't a copy
I'm giving -7kids- a chance