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yay talking page
Nice are u gonna put some miraculous pictures when u have time
this is nice!!!
thanks for making one. Now when I need to tell U something I can just text in here.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Alyssa go to Kirsten's text me if your my friend page. we're chatting there tonight
can't talk now talk to me around 7:00 OK. MKAY bye
Hi everyone when do you want to text and what time?????😀😀😀
Hey you guys what are you doing now? I'm doing my nasty homework but its quite boring
Yeah it's great to talk to friends and make collages here
yep I am sleeping
maybe text around 6:00pm ok
but not on Friday?
wait why I text you that mum told me that I can text on a Friday
oh I forgot Alyssa I can text on Friday because mum said I can last time I can't cuz i didn't show any good work to mum but I did so she let me
hey Kristen. I won't be at school starting on June the 16 because I'll be in Malaysia then.
so that means I can't text you then because there's no wifi and because I won't be bringing my iPad
CONGRATS Alyssa you've become a librarian with Chui. YAY!!!!
sorry for not telling you that Alyssa was going to try out
there are 838 selfies of me!
what are u talking about
hi Alyssa it's me Kristen
who are you
hey guys this is chui's last week here I think she'll be here tomorrow but not the week after she's going on holiday in Malay
hi Alyssa it's me Lily Tracey knows me
yeah lily how are you doing
great how about you ?
and do you want to be friends
yeah, I would absolutely be friends with you
who are you?