Collage by lone-girl


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im not, this is a collage I made it's meant to show people that words do hurt but in the picture I'm smiling. I don't let the people get to me. the words aren't bold they are a faded colour to show that I don't let them burst out.
it's symbolism, I do this in most of my collages in my other account
thanks xxx
you are none of those things. if you looked up beautiful in the dictionary there would be a picture of you.
you are none of these things, but I love how you used symbolism with this collage
thanks xxx
Don't believe what they say they're haters for a reason #STAYSTRONG💎✌🏽️
thanks xxx
don't listen to him/her, you are NONE of these things. stay strong 💕 I'm here if you need to talk
it's good your not letting haters get to u
good job!! you're really strong!
In my dream i had a dictionary and was reading it and i saw beautiful and an empty gap so i stuck a photo of u in ( it was a dream but its true )
go and do it
omg how could you (hatepage) call her fat?! she's beautiful and completely not fat. ugh... what's wrong with your eyes?!
she is more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen. honestly. you're freaking gorgeous.
thanks xxx
same, how about we both put this behind us and we start acting the age we are instead of acting like 2 year olds fighting over the same toy 😂