A note from Cheeseball12
Don't get mad if I don't pick you and I'm the fanpage like this Cheeseball12(username if the winner fanpage)


A note from Cheeseball12 Don't get mad if I don't pick you and I'm the fanpage like this Cheeseball12(username if the winner fanpage)

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hey I would like a fan page !!!!
Enter my contest/ make a collage about your favorite animal
hi I would love a fan page
yeah but how do I do different accounts to make a fanpage for each of you?
I'll tell you but can I have a fan page
go to settings and their should be a button that says log out. click that
then hit log in and click don't have an account sign up with email or Facebook
make the account name and password and your in
if you want to go in a different account click log out in settings then click log in then I already have an account and sign in
that's all
OMG thank you so much!
Please Please Please make me a fanpage, it would really boost my confidence right now I'm going through terrible times, I'm trying to hide it but I can't. I'm so stressed out with all my collab accounts (9) And my account and co-owning!! I love doing it but it's hard. Please I really need it :)