Full caption of today will be in comments.


Full caption of today will be in comments.

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Hey beauties! Since you guys wanted to know what happened to me today I'd thought I'd tell you. So today I was hanging out with my friend. She didn't want to be friends with another girl anymore and I was happy because she was rude to my other friend. So at lunch she sat down with me and said that she wanted to be friends with her again just because she would give her food! I told her that I didn't want to be friends with her. She told the other girl and I didn't want her to. The other girl was angry at me(because she's the most dramatic person in the world) My friend came up to me and asked if I could please be friends with her and I told her now. The other girl started saying mean things to me and I told her that she doesn't know why I don't like her. My friend said she does know and I told her that she doesn't because I didn't tell her. I told the other girl that I wasn't going to tell her why and she said she didn't care. My friend convinced me to be friends with her but I said no. She said she wouldn't tell the other girl why I didn't want to. So I told her that she was being rude to my other friend and she said that my other friend was being mean to her(which is so not true) She walked away and I told her that I never wanted to talk to her again. I talked to my other friend(the one who was bullied by the mean girl) and the mean girl and my ex-friend avoided me during lunch. When we came back into class earlier that day my ex-friend wrote me a nice note. I ripped it up and put it on her desk. At the end of the day the boys were being crazy and my side and called the mean girl dramatic. One boy said she was dramatic and she didn't respond. I agreed with him and she said something snarky to me. When I came home my ex-friend gave me a bookmark when we were friends and I cut it up so it's in tiny pieces now.
Wow that's long...
I feel bad, hope you can find some TRUE friends sometime soon
wow.. but surely if you were very close you could get through all this and just try talking to each other and try to sort things out but if it doesn't work then it just wasn't meant to be. I've been through stuff like this and I know how it feels. but remember don't let someone dim your light because it's shiny in their eyes, keep your head up and stay smiling and remember if you ever need someone to talk to were right here πŸ’—πŸ’–πŸ˜˜
shining * πŸ’—πŸ˜‚
This. Is. πŸ˜–πŸ‘πŸ» I can't even❀️
If you need someone to talk to, I know exactly what you are going throughπŸ˜” This has happened to me SOOO many times. I'd love to talk if you need it!😘😊
yeah, sometimes my friends are just really mean to me.
I feel like they just leave me out.
Anyways sorry for you, I am your FRIEND!!
I can relate