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not me
you are very important
then how come no one cares
people do care
abt what? me? they could care less...
no I care so much about you ...you just don't care about me...😶
it's just... I do care... it's been hard because whoever I still have as a friend I will have to say goodbye to
you know I will never ever forget you
and the rest of your friends won't forget you either
ik... r we still friends
yes we never were not friends I'm home alone for a week
but what did I do
I'm alone because my brothers are at school and work and my parents are both at work I'm at my dads right know
u were hanging out with Josh yesterday... oh u didn't do anything it's just the less people I have to say goodbye to the more happy I am
I'm on break
are you
I'm not on break no but I do feel sick
then how are you texting me...are you at lunch
my mom wouldn't let me stay home because someone was coming to look at our house
I mean I'm kinda scared because Baxter keeps on making noises
lol maybe we can hang out sometime?
listen...I will miss you...I can talk for a lil bit longer...and then I have to take a shower...
yes we definitely can hang out this weekend maybe
so whatcha doing?
ok Jacob is a guy on Musicl.ly that everyone has a crush on...almost everyone...
not me 😝
ok...forget abt the shower I'm gonna stay and talk and when you have to go I'll take one
I have to go in five minuets
I'm in school that's not fair
so I'm sorry abt the whole Brianna thing...I think I just got jealous
yeah...it's not fair
it's ok don't worry abt it
how are you talking to me...are you eating lunch
no I'm in science
I hate Science so much I would totally be texting the whole entire time and not be listening to one thing they say I'll be totally zoning out
same man
Lorle I always remembered that ye
well this is like weird because I didn't I wasn't really expecting to go to the park yesterday but Tori was there and then I decided I'm like hey let's get Lauren over to the park and you didn't answer I decided to just get Josh
is that fine with you
I gtg I'll tty at lunch at 12:33
ok bye
I love your pics