don't get any ideas😏😉 ~Luna


don't get any ideas😏😉 ~Luna

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hello! how are you today?
gr8 m8! you?
I'm good! I love making new friends on pic collage!! what are all of the fandoms you're in? (for a start up question so I can get to know you) mine are harry potter, the hunger games, star wars, gravity falls, the maze runner, the fault in our stars, twenty øne piløts, panic! at the disco, and the phandom!
haha that's ok panic!, the phandom, and that's pretty much it
I'm not very interesting sorry
I'm really glad I have someone other than my usual friends to talk to on here
if u want to get to know me u can look at my first post and comment on it and u can ask additional questions
that's cool! sorry I didn't respond earlier, I fell asleep! do you play any sports? I play softball, and i have a tournament today!
yeah it's ok I play soccer