Hoshi and The8 both bias wrecked me but it's ok I'm loyal to Joshua πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚


Hoshi and The8 both bias wrecked me but it's ok I'm loyal to Joshua πŸ˜€πŸ˜‚

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rn it's Dino and Mingyu that are wrecking me but I don't rly have a bias πŸ€”
Loyal Jisoo stan right there
it's fine β€’^-^β€’
hah i will never be loyal to just one person in svt
yeah sorry I'm taking notes for my Spanish class
no problem πŸ˜‰
I like the way it soundsπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
bro my brother is playing the Xbox with other people online and this one dude sounded EXACTLY like bam bam and I was like YOOOOO ITS DAB DAB
but it wasn't him tho...
ikr I would be like "Yo bam bam wanna dab with me to the prom"
lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
send me it once you are done pls I wanna read it!!
no problem β€’^-^β€’
and no not really my friend can read a while paragraph in like 15sec
awwww Oki bye!
my baby jun looked so stunning but this performance was amazing and all then looking like angels πŸ–€
‒ㅁ‒ <------tbh I don't know what that face is neither this one β€’γ……β€’