Laughter is a good reason to live


Laughter is a good reason to live

29 1
hewwooo 🍼🐻
i need to sneeze oh marshies πŸΌπŸ’¦
hiii :)
hi, i'm lucas :))
^lucaz :(
hi, hopefully you sneezed πŸ™Š
hello lovely 😊
hi lucas im yury
hello hello! :D
thank you sir 🐻🍼
nice to meet you:), how are you?
you're welcome miss
i want candy!!
nice to meet you too! im well, how are you?
yeahh you and me both πŸ€”
i'm doing fine. how many dogs do you haveee?
but i can't eat candy anymore 🐻😩
i actually only have one, the other two in the picture are my friend's
i do have a cat though
hm, why not?
im getting molres
dentist is doing stuff to my teeth
I wanna pet your dogπŸ˜‚πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ