  ^call me jack
-20 ; im old
-jordyn's my little sister 
  ^dont hurt her :)
-sunsets & movies 😍
-loyal and fine girls 🀀😩
-i have a son 
-hmu y'all


-jackson ^call me jack -20 ; im old -jordyn's my little sister ^dont hurt her :) -sunsets & movies 😍 -loyal and fine girls 🀀😩 -i have a son -hmu y'all

22 38
i’m anastasia, your son is adorable.
your welcome, nice to meet you jack. how are you?
i’m quite alright, what are you up to?
about to get something to eat :).
not very, its just some chips.
hey, thank you πŸ™‚
that’s very true.
but now the chips are all gone, and I’m still hungry.
the chips messed up my stomach anyways.
yeah, I just took some medicine for it.
how are you?
I'm pretty well thanks :)
yeah :) wanna do something ?
hey jack, im melissa 😻
im very good, thanks. how’re you ?
yeah sure, remix me :)