"Be yourself" lately I have been myself, I showed people something I'm not very proud of at all. And honestly, I'm feeling better about my insecurities 👍🏻


"Be yourself" lately I have been myself, I showed people something I'm not very proud of at all. And honestly, I'm feeling better about my insecurities 👍🏻

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👏🏻 ❤️ the caption
Amazing collage!!!✨💎
Awww Thanks for the sweet comment 😊
thank you! :)
aww thanks! I wanted to say that I really love your collages and u are so sweet and nice!! 💖
Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love them too!!!!!!!!
I'm on the book after Rising Storm, the book after Moonrise, and Long Shadow. when I first started reading them I started with The Power Of Three so I was like "What in the world is up with kit, paw, and storm or feather, or whatever?" but then I got it so I'm juggling!!!!😋
what do you mean?
I kinda have something else that works