How is everybody? I'm starting to get really ticked off with the amount of hating that goes on here. Why can't Pic Collage do something? People are cutting themselves because of these hater!πŸ™„


How is everybody? I'm starting to get really ticked off with the amount of hating that goes on here. Why can't Pic Collage do something? People are cutting themselves because of these hater!πŸ™„

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Hi! I could not find a good photo of Nemo. I'm rlly sorry but do u have a 2nd fave Disney character? Again I'm really really sorry!
Now BayMax I can do!!! I'll make it now! Again sry I couldn't do Nemo!
Tysm! Ur so nice!!!
If u don't mind me asking, how old r u? U don't have to answer this
COOL!! I'm 13 too!
LOL sameee! <3
Yeah, i agree. Why do hatepages even exist???!
these r funny
me too. did you see Sabrina_Edits' last post?!?
^Yeah I did, and it was so sad! I tried to help, but I don't know if it worked😭