OMG today is exactly two months since I saw 5sos at Hershey❤️😭 I still can't believe that I was able to go, and will never forget it for the rest of my life✨


•TAP HERE• OMG today is exactly two months since I saw 5sos at Hershey❤️😭 I still can't believe that I was able to go, and will never forget it for the rest of my life✨

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aww thanks!
wow! thank you so much!!!💖 I was kinda not so sure about this one tbh
Oh my gosh no, I'm not that good of a writer. My class was sharing scary stories and this was one that I heard. We had to partner up and write our own two-sentence scary story and you know what my partner and I wrote? "The man ate a sandwich that wasn't his. He died." 😂
I'll probably start writing them in the future though because I read a lot of creepypasta and I'd like to write my own.
happy Halloween 👻😁❤️
happy Halloween!👻