Collage by sierraaaaaa


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Aye im not goin to school tomorrow ig
ughhh okay... y tho
I have to go to the dietitian
And hopfully i gained wait
I doubt it cuz it’s u
sooo won’t see u tomorrow 😐 oh well iggg
I mean i can meet u at the library
welll if u don’t fall asleep lol... do wutever tho just tell me before hand cuzzz I’ll go home tbhnif u can’t hang out
busy Friday
I mean my mom has to go to liewi
okayyy I dunno I talked to my mom about shooting again but she doesn’t know, she wants u to get on a horse lol.. hank has been good sooooo
I mean i can ask ig
if u wannaaa I mean that’s all up to u I’m apparently chillin here all day... might go out and shoot a couple f pistols my mom said u could shoot if u wanted but yea
maybe throw u on Elsie... but she hurts rn so ima b niceeee
Ha no ik the gun will nock me
the 45 has like no kick sooo u should b good with that like u can shoot the sig I mean I am without dying so 😂
we aren’t bringing the AR tho if we do go
Maybe thats a good thinh
yeaa only person u gotta b worried about would b megs buuut she can’t aim worth shït so I think u would b fine
Probs not
I mean rn i cant shooot cause my hand and arm is kinda wore out
lolll good job
ehh it was my left arm sooo I should b good if I were to shoot the 45 since it doesn’t have a lot of kick
Well u were into it so i mean i wasnt goin to stop till the alarm wet off
lol u probs could’ve if u wanted.. I meannn yea lol u got into there for a bit lol
Lol well im not that talented in the left hand
Yes ik i did lol and u were enjoyin it so theres no reason on stopin
lol yeaa the min we started gettin in it I think I started gettin into even more like 😂😁 lol well the way I was laying my right hand would’ve been like too awkward I’m fineee with my left lol
and I mean the way u do shït is like 👌🏻💦 lol
Lol yea i can tell
lol yeaaa
that was funn god lol
Yes baby it was
😊 lol yea... seee ima think and then b like fxckkk ima miss u tomorrow god
and im kinda thinkin I should’ve kept walking with Luna 😂
No u shouldnt of i mean i need some one to cuddle wit
lol well yea she was warm so I kinda wanted to just kinda see how long it would of taken till u noticed 😂
I mean we can cuddle... like ughhh I need to get ur over with and meet ur dad tho like honestly
Lol hella no
she’s cute tho
Yea i mea ig u can do that tuesday
And i cant cuddle wit u every night yet so yea
ugh I wish we could just cuddle every night omll... yea I feel kinda bad sometimes like I need to meet him some time or another but like yea
Yea i mean if u really wanted to u can
welll do u want me to?
And like i said we cantry night yet cuddle eve
we need a night... just one to cuddle and fall asleep... would b good
Yeees it would and like i said its up to u if u want to
well if u want me to I’m fine with it it’s honeslty up to u... just pick a day where I don’t look like a słut 😂 lol yeaaa honestly the min im like 16-17 my parents won’t give a shït anymore... just too far away
Yes it is
And no baby ur not a sslluutt
well I dress like one... the shirt I was wearing today for example lol
andddd the shorts
The shorts were pretty sexy
lol well u could see hit about everything... plus those r easy to get off tho so 😂😁😊
Yea saved some time lol
lol noticed... just 3 buttons too many tho 😂 seee I had shorts that were even shorter buuut they “disappeared”
Lol yea
yeaaa made the mistake of wearing them to my frens place 😂
Oh god
pfft u would’ve liked them I think
only 2 buttons lol
Thats good
well they were tighter tho so black ones r easier
despite the million buttons
Lol yea that was kinda funny
lol yea... I did the buttons for u lol but I rly didn’t want to button them back up 😂
they r harder to button then u might think 😐😆
Lol yea i could tell and it looked like u didnt wanna get off
Lol and maybe i should figure that our
lol well yea I rly didn’t have the energy to get off 😂 I was like nope comfortable here... yeaa have fun with that lol they confuse me 😂
Lol i will
When the munchys kick in and ur sis doesnt have food ready god damit
lol yea I mean... over the summer I’ll probs have another pair of 2... and more crop tops 😂
srsly if it were up to me, at ur house I would delay have no shirt like just a bra buuuut I don’t live there lol
aww ru hungry for once
Yes lol and babe dont worry cause i walk around in my under wear so if some one comes over just act like were not there
lol okie... like probs us tho a day we r alone, u walking around in ur underwear, me in a bra and spandex 😆 I can’t do that here tho which sucks when it gets hot as hełl
just found a song that is rly fun to blast in the stereo 😂
Lol ok and i mean just need to make sure the door is always locked
yeaaa tru cuz I don’t think someone needs to walk in on us lol
Fxck no
then ur parents definitely wouldn’t like me 😂😳
Oh well i mean like i said just act like were not there and if we want we can ban them from the house
god babe lol... welll I would like u parents to actually sorta like me at least so ima play suck up for awhile
Lol ok
yea lol like the amount of times they have passed me while I was walking home tho 😂 ur mom taking me home that one time probs didn’t help 😳 oops
I forgot about that lol it was kinda funny
it was awkward as hełl lol... I was srsly gonna just walk home but nopeeee Jason had to throw a bxtch fit
Ik lol he always do that
god yea... like probs doesn’t help that allll that was after we found the guy sooo yea
Yea tru
she probs doesn’t like me lol soooo I’ll play nice to maybe see if I can get ur dad to like me
I’m more afraid of ur mom than ur dad tbh 😂
Ha i think we all are lol aye ill be back ima give jon some food
k lol don’t die
hey babyyyy so do u want me to get off in town then or
like I probs will since Megan is gonna b home and that’s it but yea I dunno
Yea u can get off in town
okay... I feel rly fat now
like god 😂
Ha probs dont wanna now
I had chocolate so I feel fat
yea sooo Monday found out I’m getting another horse... forgot to tell u tho lol yea this one is wild like shït 😂
Oh kk ur not tho
Ha honestly wild horses are funn to ride for the first time
Oh fxck luna is gagin
welll hate to break it to u babe buuut we aren’t breaking this horse till he’s 4, he is 2 now anddd yea he’s a sexy boy but ima not out u on him rn 😂 I’ll throw u English on Elsie and u can run her and tell em how her stop hurts cuzzz I already got that horn in the gut western
Im goin the other way
unless u wanna die then sure get on the new horse 😂
Lol ig ill tryt
pfft I don’t wanna see u die
baaaaabe when u goin to bed
curious dunno
Yeeessss baby ill try just gota make sure ima drunk
After this movie
okay... nahh I’ll throw u on Elsie okay that sounds good
or u could ride LZ.. he’s straight off the track no one has ridden him yet 😂😳
Well ig i can do that
he’s fast soo have fun with that
ima not throw u on Chance, he would probs eat u before u even got into the round pen with him
Lol ok aye bae would u mind if i went to bed rn cause as u couldnt tell i was pretty fxckin tired
Ha sounds like some thin gabby would do
u concern ummm sometimes babe like tbh 😂 okay yea go to bed babe lol i could obviously tell u were tired oml
Ok well ima get to bed then lol night baby girl❤️❤️❤️
Yea u can get off in town and ill meet u at the library lol kk night babe❤️❤️
lol okay don’t die anddd ig I’ll see u some time tomorrow... love u ❤️
Yee k night BABY GIRL❤️😍😍
And ima not die
suuure babe sure lol k night 😊❤️❤️
Ugh i dont wanna cuddle wit luna i wanna cuddle wit u lol kk yea ill see u tomorrow
cuddling sounds good tho honestly.. k yea oml sleeeep ❤️❤️❤️❤️
KK ❤️❤️❤️