Collage by Heartsbreak_


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Uhm... sorry if this is weird but are you Tacy?
huh.. sorry I just had this weird feeling.
😂😂😂 sorry I’m out of order rn maybe later 😂
dARn inDeeD
Sure brOyO
lol whaT
I’m sorry, but I can’t get rid of the feeling that you’re hiding something from me.
You talk like her, the first person you followed is her page, this is the same type of page she has, sorry I’m really suspicious. I don’t like it when people lie to me, so I always think too much about stuff.
please answer me truthfully, are you Tacy?
Jesus Christ, I thought I was going crazy. Why did you add me again?
is that really it? I thought you were done with me.
Why would you be?
By the way, if you wanted to say sorry, why would you lie to me? I really don’t like it when you do that........ why did you do that?
If you think I’m like that then why would you even want to talk to me again? I don’t understand.
That’s the point. I don’t want to be besties with you.
I know that you’ve been doing sêx role plays, I thought I did something to make you like this, I don’t want you to change.
Even if we started talking again it would go full circle... that’s what I think.....
it’s not a great feeling knowing that you’ve hurt someone, it’s been exactly a week since we last talked... it felt like an eternity.
But that doesn’t mean I don’t have my own demons.
I don’t want anything that will be drastic to happen.
We weren’t fighting. I wasn’t wondering.
Believe me, we weren’t. it was everything else then.
That doesn’t make me feel any better.
are you really changing accounts?
Just make your new account, we need to have a talk once you’re done.