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Yesss, Bo Burnham is amazing 👌👌👌
l mao thanks XD
I think I'm gonna do okay, I've been fine this year except in maths and biology l mao they're my worst subjects
coolio 👌
I wanna be a psychologist so biology is kinda important I think but idk xD
da careers lady said GCSEs aren't important for psychology and we can't do psychology until 6th form
yeah, we do ten and I think I'll pass them all, I want to get at least a 6 in maths
l mao
I'm probably not as bad as I think-I'm in the top set out of four but I haven't been getting great marks in my tests but I'll see how these ones go (my last test I revised lots for and I got 92%)
oh yes bo burnham👌🏽