I miss my girlfriend// Adam 
I miss my mommy// london


I miss my girlfriend// Adam I miss my mommy// london

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I love you both so much//sky
baby hey OMG I miss u so damń much// Adam
hey princess and ik baby jack keep on blocking me
mowwy daddy didn't lewve his room for days
ik baby if he does it again I'm beating his white aśś up
baby how bad did you miss me
hugs you
*hugs back* *smiling wide*
I won't leave again
baby u want good news first or bad news?
I have a asthma now
okay good news
I got my cast off
good *smiles *
other good new is I'm playing football again *smiling*
good baby kisses your cheek
*kiss your lips*
lays my head on your shoulder
*i never seen ken so happy in his life now
he has Rachel back she's what makes him happy
hey baby girl sorry we went to sleep
it's okay baby
love you
hey bbyg
hey baby boy
I'm good I missed you
I miss u to
kisses your cheek,I love you
*smiling* I love u to, well London wants to talk now lol
okay baby
hey princess
I wiss u
kisses your forehead I love you princess
*smiling* I know mowwy
* picks you up and spins you in a circle * I love you more than anything
*laughing* I wuv u to mowwy
babes jack wants to block me again
no, hw can't do that// Adam and London
he said he would
II bang lose u
kisses your cheek
*kiss your lips*
raps my arms around you
no no no
Jack bro, this is my girlfriend and my daughter mom// Adam
Jack said no no no
okay,leans up against a wall
*hand on my face*
so mush drama, and hey baby
leans up against the wall
looks at you
I'm going to kill him (Jack)
he is making vannah cry hard
ik baby boy my brother James is just pisšed at him
ik, and vannah is crying and she posted something
kisses your cheek,I love you
good morning baby
hey babes I miss you