Kill me please...//alex


Kill me please...//alex

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u okay
no I'm not...//Alex
don't tell ash Ik what he did to u I'm so sorry
I mad at him rn but I don't want him to know
don't cut or anything okay?
can't say I haven't......
can I see it *looks at u
*shows wrist that are bleeding*
*tears up* let's clean it up okay
*looks at u* I uh... o-ok *looks at wrist*
alright *grabs ur hand and goes to the bathroom and gets rubbing alcohol*
n-no that'll hurt
um what should we do *looks at u*
wipe it with water
it won't clean it out it will get infected
oh....*looks at wrist* but alcohol will hurt
I made a collage let's continue there
remix it