Jasi is a cheater don't talk to my ur the reason why I was in the hospital -Jacob


Jasi is a cheater don't talk to my ur the reason why I was in the hospital -Jacob

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no ur the reason why u still liked me and when I ran away u started cutting urself then I had to call the ambulance so I kinda saved ur life I didn't have to call the ambulance
and ur the one who cheated remember cause if I can remember I loved u so....
I still love u but u don't love me back//I didn't cheat on u that was my friend
sure it didn't seem like it
Jenna this doesn't involve u// I really did
yes this does
alright ok I would have done the same I'm sorry//I still love u but u have moved on I hope u to r happy together and get married some day
ily *kisses ur cheek and runs off*
keeps running and trips* ouch *starts crying hard*