Part 2 of Alice of human sacrifice rp for me and sylveon_Girl


Part 2 of Alice of human sacrifice rp for me and sylveon_Girl

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you want to start
sure Bonnie: finally we found u!
tb ya looks around scared like
TC: come on and hurry up!
tb ok mangle grabs her hand and runs off
the dream:muhahaha this is fun now let's do it to the sisters kicks TC
tb tC you ok
TC: CHICA!!! u kicked me Chica: no I didn't
tb go's over to you two knock it off pz
TC: she kicked me!! Chica: agh... so dumb TC: knock it off!!!
tb starts to yell alright girls apologies now!
TC: why is acting like our mom? Chica: remember she is dead so is dad TC:shut up
tb because no one kicked you tc it was the dream I know this I can here it now all of you stop it
TC: ok...
tb ok let's move on
TC: ok whatever
tb here's the dream will you stop it all ready god your giving me a head ach
TC: walks away...
tb hey when did you get all sassy with us
foxy: that her personality slap his head
tb grr you know what tC you ganna be like this fine walks to the back with mangle
ok whatever looks at a girl with sun in her hand
tb gets a bit mad mangle don't listen to her
hi. are u ok? I'm toy Chica
tb grr she's so aggravating a girl with a moon on her hand walks over to tb
hi I'm sunflower
the um hi I'm the who are you I'm Luna
well hi sunflower what happened to u? I got lost and I lost my sisters friends and boyfriend
tb hi Luna
sunflower:sighs I miss them so much
Luna here um take this to cool off
don't worry the dream stabs sunflower
Luna gives her a crescent moon tb dream rlly it was just getting grate grr that's it
the dream stabs TC
tb oh come on grr that's it don't make me come up there don't make me
here hold the sun it heals u
tb ok I'm coming up that's go's up there
I'm a medic/ fighter
mangle grabs tb come on
I hope ur ok
tb let me at it let me at it mangle no tb come on let's go
I'm kinda fine
Luna giggles tb come on let's go talk to tC tb no not right now
ow it hurts