Collage by duhitzliv


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okey setting?
Kean is coming
hewwo πŸ™ˆπŸ’ ash wants to k ow where the high child isπŸ˜‚
mk. beach setting...?
mk who's starting?
*sits next to ash* whassup girlie
*whispers to ash* we gotta prank the guys somehow
*screams* EVAN!!!!
*chases evan* I SHALL GET YOU
*laughs and jumps on ashwee's back* PUGGY BACK WAR!!!
NUUUUU *hugs ash* me sowee ashwee
yeah... I'm alright.
*follows ash* my baby girl isn't allowed to pout.
evan that's just gonna make her stay there! *giggles and picks up ash* now get your pouty aΕ›s up and come be a savage
lemme teach you. *grabs your hand and brings you to the water*
*glances at evan and playfully sticks out my tounge*
*leaves it out* you wouldn't dare
EWHHHH (should I be concerned that Lukas' new girlfriend is face timing Kean...?$
(ikr. o bet she's fake but she won't admit it)
ash is the hot one.
(mah phones gonna die one sec)
ashwee you're too hot for the sun
who's whichπŸ˜‚
nah I'm neither
*closes my eyes*
nah man we don't *giggles*
*screams* nahhhh Evan
I rlly don't *awkwardly laughs*
no I don't... and Evan please let go.
...ur mad at me...aren't you.
I do trust you Evan... in sorry
evan... -hugs you and whispers- I've always trusted you
*graba your arm* Evan let me explain. it wasn't like that at all. me and Jean were talking while me and Lukas were still dating.
It felt amazing to actually be loved by sow one like you. and I noticed. and it means a lot. but I didn't go for "mr perfect" at all.
*runs in front of Evan and hugs him* Evan please. don't go.
Evan you still are with me. I will always have a little flame in my head that's reserved for you. you're always going to be there. you just aren't the main flame.
no. you're not.
Evan stop saying that. you're perfect.
girls don't matter. no other girl can see how amazing you are. of they can't, then they shouldn't even be given the chance for you to love them back.
Evan... please don't take this out on me. I've already had a rough day... I just want to talk without the whole love thing getting in the way
*grabs your arm and pulls you in close to my face* don't do this Evan.
*grabs you again* don't walk away from me. if you walk away, then you won't ever get the benefits of what wouldhave happened if you had stayed.
*pulls away and runs*
*pulls away and runs to the car and locks myself in so you can't get in and drives away*
*pulls up to my house and goes inside*
*gors upstairs and lays in my bed*
are... is your face okay?
come here. *grabs your hand and leads you to the bathroom* we need to clean you up.
no it's not. here, hold my hand. squeeze to let out the pain. *dampens a wash cloth and places it on your face*
*continues to clean up your face*
*finishes* there.
there. good as new :)
... mk.
what do you mean....?
what do you mean? what did I do...?
...because that's what friends do. they talk. there's nothing awkward about two friends talking.
... Evan that was a sympathy kiss.
you and ash kissed. and she's dating Conner.
Evan. that's just what I do. i kiss people because I feel bad. that's just what I do. they don't mean anything. but when i kiss kean, it's different. because he is a big part of me.
I-I'm sorryI didn't mean it like that
*sits down and finds a sharp rock*
*begins slitting my thigh*
stands up and runs to find another rock and begins crying*
*finds another rock and continues slitting*
*contines cutting, blood rushing all down my leg*
*tries to run, but begins limping to find another rock*
*continues crying and starts shaking *
*fights my way out of the car and falls onto the ground and uses another rock*
*begins shaking terribly from anxiety arrack and uses my nails to scratch the open cuts
*screams and kicks you until you drop me and I run inside and begin screaming*
*collapses on the floor*