Uraomote Fortune Completed (Done With Manga Studio 5)


Uraomote Fortune Completed (Done With Manga Studio 5)

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It came out a bit unclear -.-
You're work is beautiful~!!! You've been officially added to my hall of amazing anime artists.
Aw thank you!!
have u started on my request yet?
No sorry I haven't. I've been so busy with vbs and trying to get ready for my road trip
no no no it's ok I just one of those people who likes to be updated a lot! LOL😂
Oh ok. I'll try to get it done as fast as possible. There will likely be a delay with the colored piece since I don't have my copics with me but I'll likely be able to at least show you the sketch
monthly girls manga nozaki-kun???
bt-dubs u r added to awesome anime artists hall.
aw thank you that's so sweet of you to say 😊