Follow vsco_girl_in_a_vsco_world, Luv4fluffy, rilee_models, fitness_account_, fitness_life_, and finally tori_zimmerman!


Follow vsco_girl_in_a_vsco_world, Luv4fluffy, rilee_models, fitness_account_, fitness_life_, and finally tori_zimmerman!

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yes you are the co owner- rilee
Hey do you role play?
ya I do
oh and, rilee, the password does not work
Uh well do you make the page or do I?
u make the page
do u want me to make the page
u make the page
oh and r we gonna make it dirty? ya plz
no problem 😊
I followed u
thnx fo the review
plz can we rp just just once
idk. maybe in a month
is tomorrow fine?
tomorrow fine to do what?
to rp or make the joint acc?
can we plz start rp now
I’m busy
oh ok will u be back in about half an hour, coz I will?
what does yr mean?
I can rp
but I also don’t want everyone knowing because then they will want to rp
year is ur
ok bye
hi wallpaper master
do u wanna rp
hi wanna rp
sure I really have to go but be back in exactly half an hour
can u come in half an hour and make a page for us to rp
I made the page
I mhave to go to the store o will try to be back in half an hour
ok but gtg I will be back in exactly half an hour time it
ok see u later
omg I am a big fan
of course I will check ur merch
omg the stuff r so cute
what’s what?
Luv4fluffy is my bff. Please follow her!!
I can’t make pages but on my first post we can rp on there?
Alright let’s start
Ok there I commented on thee