Mesh miss mwommy*pouts*//Kennedy//


Mesh miss mwommy*pouts*//Kennedy//

27 8
*opens my arms* come her baby girl
mommy!!!!*runs to youI
Baby girl!!! *picks you up*
*squeezes you*
*squeezes you back* mommy misses you bugy
mesh missed you two
*kisses your head* wanna sleep with mommy tonight since your daddy isn't home
Ok and how much do you miss mommy every day
a lot
Well we have 2 days to do stuff baby girl cuz mommy doesn't have to work tomorrow or Wednesday
*smiles* tonight we can cuddle and watch cartoons till we fall asleep and then tomorrow we can do whatever you want baby girl
Ok wanna go get ready for bed
*picks you up and holds you on my hip*
*holds on*
*kisses your head* mommy loves you
wove you two*yawns*
*opens your door and grabs your pjs*
*lays my head on your shoulder*
*kisses your head* someone's tired
Good morning bugy you awake
morning mommy
*kisses your head and turns on the tv*
*watches tv*
Are you hungry munchkin
What do you want for breakfast
Ok if I put your sister next to you will you watch her while make breakfast
*puts Lexi next to you* if she gets fussy just give her, her pacifier
*kisses your head and walks downstairs*
*watches tv*
*starts making pancakes*
*finishes making the pancakes and starts making lexis bottle*
*calls you downstairs*
*forgets about Lexi and walks downstairs*
*hears Lexi starting to cry*
*walks to the kitchen*
*walks upstairs and gets lexi*
*sits at the table*
*comes downstairs and makes you a plate* want anything to drink munchkin and I'll see if Bailey can watch Lexi today so we can do something together
auntie Bailey*giggles*
*smiles* want somethings to drink munchkin
Apple juice
*gets you apple juice*
*puts your apple juice on the table and puts Lexi in her swing and gives her, her bottle*
*sits next to you and starts eating*
*takes a drink*
*smiles and eats*
*spills it*oops
*looks at you and grabs a napkin* be careful
*eats more not caring*
*looks at you*
*makes a mess*finished*gets up*
*looks at you* Kennedy.!
what mommy*keeps walking*
Your just gonna leave this mess here for me to clean up *looks at you*
yea*looks at you*
This isn't like you what's wrong *picks you up*
put mesh down!!
No not till you tell me what's wrong
No!! Tell me what's wrong and I'll put you down
down!!!!!*kicks feet*
Fine *puts you down*
*runs up to my room*
*sighs cleans up you mess*
*plays with dolls*
*sits on the couch and cries*
*shuts the door and plays*
*keeps crying* I'm I that bad of a mom I don't get it
*thunders really loud*
*goes upstairs and packs bags of stuff for me you and Lexi and yells* Kennedy we have to go to basement grab anything you want to bring hurry
*gets my teddy and my blanket and runs to you*
*picks you up and holds you* it's ok mommys here do you want anything else
*shakes head no*
*walks downstairs with you on my hip and walks to the basement door* go down there and mommy will be down in a min ok I promise *kisses your head*
*walks down there*
*grabs some snacks for you and drinks then picks up Lexi and walks down to the basement*
*sits down*
*puts Lexi in her play pin asleep and it thunders loud again*
*screams*. *runs down to the basement*-David
*picks you up and holds you* *looks at daddy* Baby!!!
hi baby*wipes eyes*. *hides my face*-Kennedy
*walks over to you with Kennedy hiding her face*
*hugs you both*
*smiles and looks at you* I missed you baby and someone else missed you too
*smiles and whispers to Kennedy* do you have something to tell mommy after this morning
*looks at her*mesh sowy
*picks you up and kisses your head* promise mommy you won't do that again
I pwomise
I brought some of your toys for you to play with baby girl
*gets them out for you and lays on the bed next to your daddy*
*sits on the bed*
*gets cold*
*puts a blanket on you*-David
*hides under it and shivers*
*holds you*
*berries my face in your chest* I missed you a lot I almost cried every night when I didn't get to say I love you or anything
I'm sorry baby*holds you*
It's ok baby *sneeks a kiss from you and for gets that Kennedy is here*
*smiles* so I took Lexi to the doctor and I can't breastfeed her anymore
Cuz the doctor said that he thinks she's lactose so he wants us to start feeding her formula that is the lactose kind
oh ok
Yeah she's been super fussy and cranky I think she misses you
*looks at you*
*walks over and picks her up*
*berries my face in the pillow*
*holds her*
*goes to the kitchen*
*notices you looking at my bûtt*
*looks at it*
*bites my lip and looks at you* I see you baby
*smirks* you got Lexi baby so idk how bad you want it
is she asleep
Yeah she's passed out
good*smiles and lays her down*
*leans up against the counter waiting for you*
*walks over to you*
*sits on the counter and bites my lip* come here baby
*puts my hands on your waist*
*starts kissing you*
*kisses backI
*kisses and puts my hands up your shirt* take it off baby
hi baby
Hey baby *looks at you in pain*
what's wrong?
My stomach is cramping and my back hurts really bad
why baby
It's my time of the month and everytime my stomach cramps my back tightens
oh ok come here baby*opens my arms*
*walks over to you*
*holds you*
*looks at you and moves your hands to my lower back*
*rubs it*
*smiles and bites my lip* that feels good baby
*smiles and rubs*
*smiles and looks in your eyes*
*kisses your forehead*
*smiles and whispers* I love you by
I love you too baby
*jumps in bed* come cuddle with me baby
*lays down*
*lays on you*
*wraps my arms around you*
*smiles and lays my head on your chest*
*kisses your head*
*smiles* I can't wait to be your wife
*smiles* you make me the happiest girl alive baby I've never felt like this till I met you and I really mean everything I say cuz you're the love of my life and it feels good to say that
B-baby... *shakes*
what's wrong baby
I don't know my stomach feels like it's turning I'm getting weak and I'm shaking baby I'm scared
*holds youI
*leans on you* take care of me baby
I will baby*holds you*
*lays my head on your chest and closes my eyes* 😘❣
*kisses your head and rubs your stomach*
*falls asleep on you*
*rubs your stomach and holds you*
*sleeps like a baby*
*wraps my arms around you still asleep*
*holds you*
*dreams and smiles in my sleep*
*gets cold and moves a lil*
*puts a blanket on you*
*cuddles close to your chest and sleeps*
*holds you*
*wakes up cuz I had a bad dream and tears up*
baby what's wrong
I had a bad dream baby
*holds you close*
*stays close and my stomach starts to hurt again*
*rubs your stomach*
*looks at you and I have a sad face*
*kisses your head*you ok baby
*looks at you* yeah my stomach just hurts but when you rub it, it feels better
oh ok*rubs it*
*looks at you*
is this ok baby
Yeah baby and did you know today is national kissing day
I didn't know that till Bailey posted something *looks at you*
*smiles and leans closer to you* I could kiss you all day if I was able to
me too baby
*looks at you and bites my lip* you make me want to kiss you right now baby
*wraps my arms around your neck and goes to kiss you*
*kisses you*
*kisses you and then bites your lip softly*
*smiles and kisses*
*kisses and moves my hands up and down your chest*
*kisses moving my hands up and down your sides*
*kisses and softly moans*
*kisses and moves my hands to your aśš*
*kisses and moves my hands to your shorts*
*grabs it and kisses*
*kisses and unbuttons your shorts*
*kisses and slides my hands in your pants*
*kisses and moans softly and grabs your d*
*kisses and moves hands to the front of your pants*
*kisses and rubs your d*
*kisses and rubs your V*
*kisses and softly moans and rubs your d faster*
*kisses your neck*
*bites my lip and keeps rubbing your d*
*kisses and lays you down*
*kisses and pulls my shirt off and yours off*
*kisses down your body*
*bites my lip and watches you*
*kisses above your waistline*
*bites my lip and goes to unbutton my shorts*
*takes them off*
*watches you*
*kisses above your waistline*
*bites my lip and unhooks my bra*
*takes my bra off and pulls you closer to me and makes out*
*makes out with you grabbing your bòöbs*
*bites your lip and moans softly*
*kisses your neck*
*softly moans* mm
*smirks at your bòner*
*bites lip*
*starts sliding your shorts and boxers off*
*smirks* I want you so bad baby
*looks at you*ok baby
*looks at you* baby you can cûm but you don't have to
do you want another kid?
Yeah I want another one do you want another one baby
*looks at you* do want one right now
yeah if you do
I want one and i have another question baby really quick
ok what is it
Has Kennedy been acting different around you when you have Lexi
usually she isn't around she is usually in her room why?
When I have Lexi she gets upset and yesterday she started acting up for some reason baby
oh idk
Me either and ready baby *looks at you*
*takes off my thong*
*smirks and puts your d in me*
*holds your hips*
*softly moans and starts kissing you hard*
*kisses back*
*bounces on you and moves my hips*
*holds your hips*
*puts my hands on yours and moves back and forth on your d* mmm baby
*bites lip*
*gets up and sucks on your d and deep throats you*
*licks the tip and then sucks again* like that baby
*deep throats your d and then lays down pulling you on top of me*
*thrusts*(sorry I was busy)
*softly scratches your back and moans*
*goes harder*
*leaves some scratches down your back and moans louder*
*goes faster*
*moans loudly and you make me cüm* keep going baby
*keeps going*
*kisses your neck and leaves a bunch of hickeys*
*feels you getting harder in me and smirks*
*goes faster*
*moans and grabs the sheets*
*keeps going*
*moans and bites my lip hard*
*goes faster*
*moans loudly* fxck baby
*smirks and keeps going*
*moans* baby I'm gonna cüm again
*goes harder and hits your gspot*
*moans really loud and cüms* dxmn baby keep going till you cüm
*keeps going*
*moans* this feels so good
*kisses you and moans* that was amazing baby
*kisses back*
*looks at you* come with me to take a test baby I don't want to be alone
ok baby
*gets up and puts my bra thong and shorts on*
*puts on boxers*
*walks to the bathroom and grabs a test*
*opens it and sits down and goes pee* baby I'm scared
it will be ok baby
*finishes and holds the test leaning on you*
*holds you*
*looks at the test and smiles* baby
yeah baby
*shows it to you with 2 bright pink lines*
*smiles and puts my hand on my belly* we're having a baby
yeah*places my hand on your stomach*
*looks at you and kisses you* should we wait to tell Kennedy or should we tell her now baby
*kisses back*she is asleep right now
*smiles* lets tell her in the morning baby and I think lexis awake
ok baby
*leaves the test on the counter and then grabs one of your hoodies and puts it on* *lexi starts crying*
Good morning baby
morning baby
*lays on you* my belly keeps hiccuping this morning
*rubs your belly*
*smiles* I love you
I love you too
*looks at you and then at my bump*nare we gonna tell Kennedy
*calls Kennedys name* Kennedy mommy and daddy what to talk to you
Otay mesh comin*puts down barbies*
*covers my belly and sits up*
*walks into the room*
*looks at you* come sit on the bed baby girl
Otay*walks over to the bed*
*looks at you* so mommy and daddy want to tell you something
wat is it
*looks down at my belly* baby can you tell her
yeah*looks at her*hunny mommy is having another baby. anofer one!!!*runs out of the room into my room*
*looks at you* I knew that was gonna happen *looks down*
*sighs and holds you*
*lays on you and my belly hiccups*!
*rubs your belly*
*smiles* baby can you rub my back it hurts really bad
yeah*rubs your back*
*smiles and rest my head on your chest* what are we going to do about Kennedy not being happy about the baby
idk baby
*my stomach hiccups again*
*looks at you*
*looks at you and hears Lexi crying*
*gets up*
*gets up and goes to the bathroom* baby I'm gonna take a warm bath and if Lexi is hungry her formula is on the counter
ok baby
*turns the water on to warm and puts bubbles in the water*
*rocks her*
*takes my clothes off and gets in the bath and rubs my belly and whispers* mommy and daddy love you baby
*looks at lexi and smiles*
*finishes and gets out*
*smiles at her*
*puts a towel around me and gets my bra and thong on and stands in the mirror rubbing my belly*
*lays her down in her crib asleep*
*puts on some short shorts and rubs coco butter on my belly*
*lays down in bed*
*puts on your hoodie and lays next to you* I love you baby
I love you too baby
*looks at you* baby do we have chocolate and chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
I think so do you want some
Yes plzzz I'm craving it like crazy
ok baby*gets up*
*kisses you* your the best baby
*kisses back and smiles8
*smiles and hears Lexi crying again*
*goes down and gets your icecream*
*goes to lexis room and grabs her* baby can you make a bottle while your down there plzzz
yeah*makes a bottle*
*walks back to our room with Lexi* shhh baby girl daddy's making you a bottle
*walks upstairs*
*lexi starts getting fussy*
*hands you your icecream*
*smiles and hands you baby girl* thank you baby
your welcome*feeds her*
*eats some and rest my head on you* baby I forgot what the baby boy names were that me liked if he were having a boy
me too
*looks at Lexi* I feel like it's a boy this time
yeah me too
*hands you a spoonful of ice cream*
*eats it*
*smiles* baby your hoodie smells good
*smiles and looks at Lexi falling asleep* do you like the names Isaac Greyson and Bryce
*smiles* I like the name Bryce a lot
me too baby
*smiles* we have a name then and baby do you want more ice cream cuz I don't I'm full
no I'm good baby
Ok baby is she finished with her bottle *gets up*
*takes it and walks downstairs and cleans my bowl and her bottle*
*burps her*
*gets a shooting pain in my back* ow
*holds her*
*starts crying and can't move without it hurting*
*lays her down and walks downstairs and sees you*baby!*runs to you and picks you up*whats wrong
*cries* out of nowhere I got a really bad shooting pain in my back
*holds you and sits you on the couch and gets you some medicine*
*wimpers a little* thank you baby
your welcome baby*hands it to you*
*takes the medicine and looks at you* can you carry me to our room baby I really want cuddles
of course*picks you up*
*puts my head on your shoulder* me you and baby girl can all cuddle
yeah*smiles and walks upstairs*
*looks at you*
*looks at you *
*gets cold*
*lays you down*
*looks at Lexi and moves closer to your side of the bed*
*wraps my arms around you*
*cuddles you and put my hand on my belly*
*smiles and my belly hiccups*
*rubs it*
*smiles and looks at you* like my baby bump baby
*smiles and puts my hand on yours* b
*smiles and yawns*
tired baby?
*nods* baby when we go to bed can you keep your hand on my belly
of course
*lays my head on you* are you tired baby
Wanna go to bed baby since Lexis asleep and we're tired
*lays on you and kisses you*
*kisses back*
*eyes get heavy and tired* i love you baby
I love you too baby
*puts our hands on my belly and slowly falls asleep*
*falls asleep*
*sleeps on you* goodnight baby
Good morning baby I have a question when you get the chance
morning baby
*looks at you* I got a question baby
ok what is it
Do you think we could have the wedding tonight or no cuz I really want to call you my husband and I want to be wife
of course baby
*looks at you and smiles* yay
*smiles*bailey said if you need help with anything she will help you
*smiles* tell her I said thank you and I probably will need help with stuff and baby i think we have a doctors appointment for this lil one *points to my belly*
ok baby*smiles*
*smiles and looks down at my belly* is Kennedy still upset
I think so she won't talk to me
She probably won't talk to me either *sighs* she was so excited and happy about Lexi but now she's changing and now she's upset about the new baby
*lays my head on your chest and sniffles*
*holds you*
*hears Lexi waking up*
*gets up*
*looks at you and gets up*
*gets lexi*
*finds some jean shorts and puts them on and groans* baby they don't fit
*looks at you*
*looks at you and looks for another pair*
*holds lexi*
*buttons them and takes off your hoodie* how's the baby girl baby
she is good
*finds a shirt to put on and then puts your hoodie back on* I want to see my baby girl
ok baby*hands her to you*
*holds her and lays on the bed with her on my chest* baby you can change unless you don't want to
ok baby*walks to my closet*
*lexi gets fussy and I giver her, her pacifier*
*gets dressed*
*gets up and goes to lexis room* baby I'll be in lexis room she might need a bath before we leave
ok baby
*puts Lexi on her changing table and gets her undressed* baby girl got a stinky dipper
*puts a shirt om*
*looks for the whipes*
*walks downstairs*
*cleans Lexi up and puts a clean dipper on her and looks for her daddy's little girl onesie* baby
yeah baby?
Can you see if lexis daddy's little girl onesie is in the londry room clean
yeah*walks to the laundry room*
*lexi spits out her pacifier and chews on her hands*
*finds it and brings it to you*
*smiles and puts it on her and finds her cheetah print pants and puts them on* baby girl is all ready
*smiles and holds her and grabs her pacifier* ready
*hands you Lexi and grabs her formula and some bottles*
*holds her*
*puts everything in her dipperbag and grabs her car seat for you*
*puts her in it*
*smiles and she starts falling asleep*
*smiles and opens the front door*
*walsknout carrying lexis car seat*
*walks behind you*
*unlocks the car*
*gets in and looks at my ring* I'm one lucky girl
*smiles and puts Lexi in and gets in*
*smiles and looks at you*
*smiles and buckles up I
*buckles up* are you ready for tonight baby
*smiles* I have a surprise for you and it's the song for our first dance but I can't tell you what song
Yeah *smiles* it explains us tho
*smiles and drives*
*smiles and puts my hand out*
*holds your hand*
*smiles and I see the doctors office*
*pulls in*
*parks and gets out*
*gets out and waits for you*
*gets lexi*
*walks inside*
*walks in and signs in and sits next to you*
*smiles* do you know when Bailey is gonna post the wedding starting
I'm not sure I think in about an hour or so
Ok *they call us back*
she said she has it all planned the reception and everything*picks up lexis car seat *
Ok *waits for you and walks back*
*walks into the room and lays down*
*sits in the chair*
*smiles and lifts my shirt up for the ultrasound*
*smiles and looks at the screen*
*looks at it*
*smiles and the doctor gets a better look at the baby and says it's a boy*
*smiles and the doctor cleans my belly off and I sit up*
*smiles and he gives me some of the ultrasound pictures and says were good to go* all I want to do now is be married to you baby
*picks up lexis car seat* I love you baby
*smiles and grabs your hand* I love you too baby
*kisses your hand*
*smiles and kisses your cheek*
*smiles* I'm so ready to be your wife baby
I'm ready to be your husband
*smiles* I'm so gonna kiss you like never before
*smiles and gets in the car*
*puts Lexi in and gets in*
*smiles and puts my hand on my belly*
*watches my belly hiccup*
*smiles and looks at my ring*
you ok baby?
Yeah baby my back just hurts