59 1
500 already?! That's awesome! I hope you get up to your goal! 😉
It is called Tower Of Terror and it's a elevator that goes up and down. (doesn't sound scary but it is...) The window is open and for 3 seconds there is a view of the whole park and then you just drop down. I can give you a picture in remixes
ok...just a boring little recap of my day!😂💕 so I woke up blah blah blah ...🙂 I got ready blah blah blah who cares about the boring stuff!!😊🙌🏻✨ anyway...so I go to school and there was a trivia question on the board (we do trivia every day the person who gets it right gets a raffle ticket and gets a prize..) who cares ..😍🍥💕👍🏻 so the question was "what percentage of men don't wear deodorant?" I'm like WTH ?!😅 so I guessed 5% it turns out it was actually 25%!!!!!!😵 I'm like OMG!! then my teacher said think about it 🤔 that means if 4 men were standing that means 1 of them wouldn't be wearing deodorant!!! ok this is really weird !!😂✨💕💦 I'm talking about men and deodorant anyway I'm REALLY shocked if ur still reading this !😊😱💕
and if u are reading this then thanks u that means u actually read my captions and if u did read this then comment flamingo by now Angels !😇
flamingo by now Angels?
ya !! cause u guys are angels !
That's really cool that you lived in Hollywood.😉 The tower of terror isn't in Hollywood it's in Disney World. (That's in Florida) But there is a park called Hollywood Studios that's supposed to look like Hollywood
I wonder if there is actually a hotel like that in Hollywood like a real one
Probably not though... I think?
ya probably I gtg to dance sry bye ttyl !!👋🏻💕
flamingo by now Angels
no !! ur supposed to say flamingo !!
flamingo 😂
flamingo by now angles
noooo ur supposed to say just flamingo !! 😂😂😂😂😂