Peridork EXPOSED


Peridork EXPOSED

11 3
unfollow me
y r u following mw
*me can't spell wow
Okay, first off, no one is perfect. Peridork and I got in to quite a few arguments over the time I've known her, but that does not give you any right to "expose" her over something she may or may not have done. If you have a problem with something she did, then respectfully confront her about it rather than doing this.
Just be calm and polite. Don't be accusatory.
if you're wondering what happened to me, check my recent.
I made the mistake of being kind of accusatory (I was really upset), we got into a big fight, and she blocked me. However, after a little while of calming down, we talked over her backup account and made up.
1) yeah she's a dìčk, she pretended that we were friends just to get me to follow her back, she basically sweet talked me and then went I'd appreciate if you would follow me back. she followed me and then a week later unfollowed me again. clearly she does care about likes and follows. 2) Gay means homosexual so she can call herself gay if she wants to, that's not your business. 3) while I agree with you and am glad to see someone finally stepping up to her and telling her that she's being rude, maybe this is all a bit much. talk to her privately and see if you can resolve things like that. I'm not saying it will work, actually I'm almost certain it won't, but I would try it first if you haven't already
lmāø they liked their own post
since I don't know either of you well I guess it's not really my place to speak but, if you guys tried to talk things out in a private manner(just calmly confront her) and things still didn't work out, that's fine, just please stay out of each other's way now. you said what you wanted to say about her, please don't continue to "expose" her, it's not worth it. just go your own separate ways, and let this be over with.