Please follow 
Itsabbyhereeeee. She's
So nice and she has 1,426
Followers. I love her pics and she is so nice. She deserves more followers. Follow her and always follow the people u hope will follow u. Abby can have as much followers as she wishes for. An


Please follow Itsabbyhereeeee. She's So nice and she has 1,426 Followers. I love her pics and she is so nice. She deserves more followers. Follow her and always follow the people u hope will follow u. Abby can have as much followers as she wishes for. An

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Thank you so much! I love you sooo much! πŸ’œ. This made me smile so much! Your so kind. πŸ’œπŸ‘πŸ’¦. 😘😘. I'm going to make a collage dedicated to you. Love ya!
love ya too😘
😘😘. Wanna make a collab account?
sorry, what is that again
Where two people share one account together. I thought since we are friends, we could make one!
I would love to. thanks
How do we do that
So what do you want the username to be?
So do you have WeHeartIt?
r u making it or................
wait, what do u mean do I have wehaeartit
yes I can make the account. What's your we heart it username?
u can pick
when r u going to make it though. if u don't have an awnser to this question, don't worrie bout it😘
Ill make it tomorrow maybe. (Christmas.) If I have time. Can you create a we heart it?
ok, so I just got this app on Sunday so I don't know what that is. I'm so sorry
We Heart It, is another app where you can get background collages and can privately talk to people. We could discuss the account on there. Okay? If you can't download it we can just talk about the app on here.
ok, let's talk on here
is that ok with u
Yes that's fine.
So I'm going to make an account called _FunnyPineapples_
we are going to share that account. comment something on my page, stay on my page and you'll be able to get the password. Comment "done" when you have the pass so I can delete it.
I'm sorry, my parents don't want me to do it today because I'm having family over. they se probably tomorrow😬
Oh okayπŸ‘. Maybe today?
ok, we can do it now