“You and I” lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson, check this song out, cause it’s dope. Just hung out with my friend and played a heated game of Monopoly😂. I WON THOUGH! I think. Hope you all are happy and healthy. Sending love and smiles~❤️😁


“💕tap💕” “You and I” lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson, check this song out, cause it’s dope. Just hung out with my friend and played a heated game of Monopoly😂. I WON THOUGH! I think. Hope you all are happy and healthy. Sending love and smiles~❤️😁

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this is just AMAZING
haha, congrats on the Monopoly win!😊😆I only won once years ago when I managed to buy every single thing😂😅💕
I love this SOOOO much!! I love Monopoly!💕 I haven’t played it in SUCH a long time though. ahh Congrats!😂💗
do u mind if I give you a shoutout in my