In thanks for your patience, a Q&A paired with a lively song❤️


In thanks for your patience, a Q&A paired with a lively song❤️

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I may have asked you this already but if you could go back I time and witness any event, what would it be?
Favorite word?
What is your favorite book? or one of them at least. (i mean who can pick just one right😄💙)
What is your favorite game? (any game. sports, board, card, video, anything. any game)
Also, what is 3 things you would like to do. (possible or impossible. just a thing)
favorite type of music?? your username story?
If you had to pick one thing (other than necessities) to bring with you if you had to survive on your own on a deserted island, what would you pick?
what's your Hogwarts house?
Myers Briggs? What's your type?
I would...kick it open and shout "goodbye" as loud as possible. :)
locked?? well, then I go to the end of the hallway, and start to run all the way to the door as fast as I can and use my momentum to break the door.
Ha! I wish I were extroverted... I'm an INFP.
thanks for answering my questions😊💙 Chicken Run sounds like a fun game😂👌🏼💙
If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
It's great. Technically not cheating, because it's still living in one SPACE, just kind of being nomadic. As for the paradoxical answer, I enjoyed it! I like reading your beautifully worded comments :)
I guess being an 'N', I'm always grateful that I'm intuitive because my dad literally won't tell me shìt straightforwardly. I always have to rearrange his words and figure out what he really meant, and I feel like if I were an 'S', I would take it literally and probably be dead right now (JK but not really). I also enjoy being really creative and curious, which I feel like the whole world needs to be a little more of. But at the same time, I wish I was and 'S' because it's always a pain to have to switch mindsets into the real world.
Why would you want to be a 'T'?
I agree with you on wanting to be a little more logical. I really hate being introverted because literally every time I go outside and talk to another person, I feel like I need to go back inside and take a nap. I really like people, and I wish that I could spend more time around them without becoming exhausted. I mean, I'm fine around people that I know- like my friends and close family. But I absolutely hate meeting strangers. I do like being alone and perfectly content, but I wish I could be more people-oriented. Is it ever annoying to be a 'P'? I sometimes find that it is.
thanks ☺️ If you could have any superpower what would it be? What would your dream vacation be like?
which is better- confidence & brave or thoughtful & quiet? and this is a cool collage!!
I totally agree! I honestly don't think of myself being a black sheep, being a 'P', but it definitely gets on my nerves. Everyone around me is planning every second of their day, and I'm just sitting there and dreaming up some idea for my next collage. Then my parents expect me to join them with their stupid planning and itineraries and writing everything you did that day in a journal, and I literally can't. But I am grateful for the fact that when some big change comes up I can adapt to it easily when everyone else is crying and throwing a fit. I think being an 'N' and a 'P' go hand in hand and make a great, open-minded, creative individual- do you agree?
But to answer your question, I would definitely not want to be a 'J', I think it would take all the fun out of life.
in real life my names Hannah
Who is your favorite singer?? If you couldn't be named Hannah, what name would you want?