Moonbeam:whas up ppl


Moonbeam:whas up ppl

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moonbeam:*smiles* sup little dude and thank what's your name
moonbeam:heh thanks I always liked he name vannsesa has a ring to it ya know
moonbeam:*smiles* thank you
moonbeam:wanna go do somethin
moonbeam:yea I hate it but I'm getting used to it it's pretty cold here though
moonbeam:I know a great place down the street Maddie works there
moonbeam:nah no smoke just burgers
moonbeam:*links arms with you and walks towards the diner*sweet
moonbeam:*opens the door*
moonbeam:sure thing Maddie:hey guys! ware do you wanna sit?
Maddie:sure thing follow me*walks you guys over to the table*. moonbeam:thanks *sits down*
Maddie:double cheeseburger
Maddie:that all? it'll be out in a few moments
moonbeam:mmm burger
Maddie:*sets down the food* here ya go guys let me know if ya need anything else. (don't worry about it)
Maddie:sure thing*smiles and walks off*
moonbeam: not much I'm going to the beach later if you wanna come *has a huge bite*
moonbeam:alright sure *smiles finishing burger*
moonbeam:*drinks milkshake* yea *smiles*
moonbeam: alright *stands up and gets the door for Vanessa*. Maddie:thank you
Maddie:*smiles* moonbeam:yea *closes the door behind us*
moonbeam:*smiles and changes in the bathroom*
moonbeam:*steps out* I'm ready
moonbeam:what?!*starts running after*
moonbeam:*laughs and catches up to you* your really fast
moonbeam:*smiles back* sure thing speedy
moonbeam:yea I like it cause there aren't many People here