restarting ☼


restarting ☼

37 289
hair obsessed is what I'm gonna call you ☺️😂
but literally a five year starts remixing me telling me that he loves me 😂
hmmm how about goldilocks
oh my god 😂
Cedric you're my official super best bestie forever ☺️💕😂
well,I just got played again:)//Sophie
awh cedric your so cute :)
oh hey Cedric // Leo
I'm good just a little worried about my sister , how are u ? x
well last night she went out with friends to a bar and when she were coming out her friend convinced them all to let her drive then home even though she was drunk. she ended up crashing the car... shes fine but 2 of her friends are dead and the other 2 are injured
it's fine I'm just glad she's ok. what u up to?¿:)
I'm deciding what to watch.... Titanic or Romeo and Juliett? I'm in the mood for a romance but also Leonardo DiCaprio 😂
titanic it is then :)
sure u can:) what snacks do u like?
*sets out multiple bowls of candies* do u want a blanket or nah?
*grabs a blanket and inserts DVD* come on then :)
*softly smiles back at u*
hI uM cEdrIc
hMmPh hRu
hMmPpPPPh i'M aMaZInG lIkE aLwAyS !
i mADE tHiS aCC ! thaTs wHy! 😁
tHanK cHuuuuUuU😂❤️
ok ❤️
yoooo @cedric
hi how are you?:)
hi Cedric I'm annie :)
hellooo I'm wynn :)
hey Louisa im Austin
hiiii Cedric
really? omg i love you already! 🙀
yeah it really is 🌚
hehe. how are you cedric?
hey i got my phone taken away sorry!
hi cedric. // dove.
hi cedric. :)