At dinner with Kylie and Brittany

Kishaone Ofakynd

At dinner with Kylie and Brittany

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hi guys
hey I missed you πŸ˜˜πŸ˜„ *hugs you*
hugs back
I love you
me too
you're my sister
so sweet
who me???
yea I'm you're sister and you're my sister
and that's how's going to go
whatcha doing sis
shut the f... up
well I'm her sister so please shut up
she has to right to she is my sister
no she can do what she wants you can't tell us what we to do
tell her sister
leave us alone😀😑
I can do whatever I want so shut up the f*** everyone knows you're a fake to
me 😰😒
no sis her
listen I'm not trying to be rude please just leave us alone because you're making the problem even bigger and a 10-year-old shouldn't be cussing
I able to cussing cause I'm older than her cause she probably like 6 or 5 years old and just leave us alone please we wanna talk in private
guys everybody just stop fighting I'm so sorry and I take back everything I said
bye I don't care how old you are