Collage by roxinmysox


1 1
this looks amazing 🥰
I’m loving this remix :)
*breathes heavily and smiles as I nod* a-a little out of breath my l-love. i have some tuna for him?
I’ll just run it under some cold water :) *smiles and turns on the rap, running it over my wrist* definitely not the first time :) but thank you ❤️
i fell asleep ☹️ I’m sorry
gooood afternoon sunshine ☀️
*laughs at the way you wake him up, laying myself down tiredly* I ran fast because I didn’t want you outside all alone :)
*smiles as I hold up my hands in surrender* okayyy okayyy it was your kiss :) and I’m glad you’ve never burned yourself
i missed you too angel :)
i slept GOODD, good in awhile
and you? :)
*smiles and rubs my chest from under my shirt and laughs at your comment* just catching my breath, the way I do when I stare at you for too long :) *smiles and watches the cat*
i like how you say please :) *smiles and shakes my wrist a bit before grabbing you a plate to place two brownies on*
aw I’m sorry sweet pea ☹️
*smiles and blushes as I scoot closer to you, chuckling softly* I like it when you compliment me 🥰 I like being around you, a- *feels the cat gently paw at my wrist* awww hello kittyyy
i gotta spoil you you knowwww, you spoil me so much :) *smiles as I kiss your nose before handing you your plate* delishhh❤️
i can get you tired :) that sounded s^xual- 😂😂
*smiles as I gently scoop up the cat* hey little guy? you want some cuddles? *smiles and takes off my hoodie to place in my lap so he has something comfy to lay on* I need to get used to your compliments ❤️ I hope I compliment you enough? sometimes I’m a bit shy to- *smiles as I give the kitty a little kiss*
*touches the corner of my lips and blushes heavily, taking my brownies and a glass of water with me to your couch* what are we going to watch? :)
I know im always sounding dirty 😂 but yes a lot of cuddles :)
i do want to give you a little heads up, I do work on Saturday to Tuesday so I will be on a little less (usually between 9-5 ish) so giving you a heads up :)
I don’t know what it is about you? you get me all excited but incredibly shy, and you make me speechless in a way I can’t describe, and you always look so pretty when you smile and laugh- *laughs when the cat paws at me* I’m right here! I don’t know what you wanttt😂
id like that :) *smiles as I take a bite of my brownie, looking over at you with a admirable glance as I gently wipe the corner of your lips with my thumb* you have a little bit of brownie there :)
*smiles and laughs as I hold you extra close to me, admiring the cat for a moment* maybe he wants us to adopt him? he seems to really like us, cats tend to be shy right? :)
*glances at you once again and smiles as I set my plate down, gently taking your hips and placing them in front of mine* we both know I’m not going to even glance at the screen when you’re here 🥰
I don’t want you wondering where I am so, there’s a little explanation :)
can we afford a cat? we sound like we’re adopting a child 😂 *smiles as I kiss his little head* aw, he definitely needs a shower? should we take him in?
*smiles shyly and laughs as I rub your hips very gently, looking down at your eyes* maybe we should watch the movie separately, so you can actually focus :) *smiles and strokes your cheek, admiring your eyes* is that really true? Im sorry :(
you’re welcome care bear :)
i like shiningggg thingssss😂 but I’d marry you with paper ringsssss
cats don’t like baths too much do they? *laughs as I wrap him up in my hoodie, giving him gentle kisses after helping you up* ready to go my love? :) and that sounds good
*kisses your cheek and blushes as I stroke it, admiring the gleams in your eyes as I look down* maybe we should turn off the tv and just cuddle for a little bit? :)
I listen to some of her music, I was hoping you’d match the vibe 😔 🤚🏼
have fun darling :) I’ll be eating breakfast
*smiles as I carry the cat very gently, blushing shyly as I walk with you back to the house* we should go and find him somewhere nice to sleep too :)
*smiles and strokes your hair gently, humming softly as I kiss your ear lightly, whispering softly* I like your makeup today :)
awww pooooo ✋🏼
*smiles as I rub his little ears* you hear that little kitty? you’re getting a bathhhh and we’ll add lots of bubbles *smiles and gently Carrie’s him to the bathroom*
*smiles and leans forward to kiss your forehead very gently* you taste so sweet, and you always look pretty :) with and without makeup
he seems a little scared? *smiles as I walk to the bath with him in my arms* how about I join in with him so he’s less scared? if he sees me having fun he’ll be okay too :)
oh god- please don’t stop 🫠 *smiles as I blush heavily at where your kisses are placed, holding the back of your neck gently* you smell so good too, and here I am simping like crazy 🫠
we’ll take a family picture after his bath 🥰 *smiles and sets him down gently, taking off my shirt and placing it aside* *smiles as I gently scoop him up, seeing him a bit more curious now* hey hey it’s okay, it’s okay? *kisses his head and lets him gently as we both enter the tub*
*smiles and blushes as I lean down to kiss your chest, gently stroking the wrist around my neck* I really really like your kisses, I like everything about you, I like your hair and makeup and your smile, and your instant bursts of energy, and and and 🫠
do you wanna put some water on me too? *smiles and laughs as I hold him against my chest gently* maybe he’ll think we’re both showering and he’ll be less scared :) *smiles as I grab some soap for him, gently soaping him up*
oh no 🫠 I’m meltingggg *laughs and sags into the couch a bit before kissing your collarbone gently* that really makes me smile, you have no idea :) I’m glad I can be myself around you
*smiles as he shakes a little in my arms* aw heyyyy it’s okay? *smiles as I pet him very gently, laughing a bit to myself* I can’t get over his cuteness
oh my good 🫠 I can’t stop smiling, my face hurts so much *laughs and blushes at where your kiss is placed, stroking your cheek as I think for a moment, standing up to turn on some music*
*laughs and holds him to my chest as I get out of the bathtub* mind drying is both us sweetheart? :) *smiles as I pet him gently* see? that wasn’t so bad :)
I’m a big the Neighborhood kind of guy, a big romantic *smiles as I play Reflections by The Neighbourhood* *smiles as I pretend to adjust my tie, offering my hand to you* may I have this dance? :)
HES SO- I mean *laughs as I whisper so I don’t scare him* he’s so cuteee ☺️ okay let’s go cuddle up with him?
you like this song? I’m so happy about that :) *smiles and gently places my hands on your hips, bringing you closer to me*
whatttt where’s my kisss *laughs and jogs up to you, nudging you playfully* this cat is going to steal you away😂
you make me so nervous *blushes as I hold the back of your neck gently, pressing my chin against your head gently* in a good way :) but maybe this could be our song?
I’m not jealous of any cat but, I do like my kisses :) *smiles and gently takes your chin, bringing your cheek to my lips gently* thank you angel :)
*blushes hard at your eyes as I admire them, slowly dancing with you as I hum to the song* I’ll definitely be listening to this song today just cause you like it :) *smiles as I cup your cheek* roxy?..
is he doing okay? *smiles as I lay in bed, yawning softly* we adopted a childddd
i wanna say something to you :) or, explain something *smiles as I stroke your cheek, bringing you a bit closer to me*
*smiles as I scoot closer to the both of you* our babyyy, we should name him :) we’re going to get attachedddd
okay so- *notices your gaze towards my lips and blushes even more* i have these very very strong feelings for you, I know its a bit soon, and I know you just got out of a relationship, but I just wanted to say how I feel about you. ☺️ you make me SO happy, so so happy. you always manage to p^t a smile on my face, and are always such a breath of fresh air. everything you do and say is just sweet and kind. I don’t want to rush you, or make you feel like you have to feel the same way back immediately, but I do have a crush on you. and.. I really really want to kiss you, it’s been on my mind ever since we cuddled for the first time. ❤️
what Color is he? *smiles wide and rubs behind his ears* maybe that can help :)
he told me you had feelings for me but, I just wanted you to show me that love so I knew for sure :) and trust me when I say this I will always try to be here for you, and when I can’t, I’ll explain why *smiles as I cups your cheeks very gently, admiring the way your eyes and lips look before leaning down to press my lips to yours for a passionate kiss*
that’s so cute 🥰 hmmm.. how about s’more? *smiles as I rub behind his ears* he’s so precious 🥰
i got SO many butterflies right now and I’m smiling so much my face is aching 🥰😂
I’m going to be eating lunch so, may respond slow :)
I don’t know about perfect :) *smiles as I kiss you very gently, feeling the warmth of your lips against mine as I pull you on top of me on the couch*
s’more it is? :) *smiles as I kiss his little ear, chuckling up at you* were officially parents 😂
you play Fortnite? i love a gamer girl 🫠
i do have a few imperfections I may add :) nobody’s perfect according to societal standards. *smiles as I kiss your lips a little deeper, gently tasting the flavour of lip balm on your lips* addicted to kissing me? now that’s a healthy addiction ☺️
*smiles and laughs as I think for a moment* I think he’d look cute in purple, what do you think? *smiles and rubs my chest a bit, rubbing my v-line as I think*
marry me
*smirks softly as I nod, kissing your lips once again but with far more passion this time* *rubs your inner thigh with my hand gently*
*smiles wide and kisses your cheek before giving his nose a little boop* a happy little family for sure :) I hope your siblings like me, otherwise I wouldn’t be too happy :)
I’m listening to so many audios that make good romantic scenarios 😂
*smiles and blushes as I kiss your lips, pulling back just a bit to whisper* is it bad that your jaw kisses and neck kisses turn me on?
that’s fine :) I bet I’d be able to make her smile just a bit *smiles and raises my eyebrows softly, holding your arms against my chest* I could give him my Spider-Man comics :)
and also- I love your heart spider :)
*smiles and blushes at what you just said and leans my head back* are you ready for that roxy? I don’t want to push you or make you feel like you- god that feels good *laughs and kisses down your neck*
i love how close you are with your siblings *smiles and pecks your head before laying down* I bet he’s adorable :)
wooo :)
*smiles and blushes as I kiss your ear, whispering softly* I trust you very much as well, when we were in the kitchen I was tempted to just.. rip off your clothes *laughs and raises my hand* with consent ofc but, I wanted to kiss you first :)
me and my younger sister are very close, she always enters my room and always wants to play with me :) *smiles and blushes as I hug you* why don’t we have a play date?
would you be okay with doing it? i am a virgin so, I’m not the most experienced ❤️ do I have your consent? *smiles and kisses your ear, blushing at your compliment*
that’s so adorable 🥰 little Nova *smiles wide and thinks* we should go shopping with nova?
sounds great :) now, even if we like each other, it’s important that we promise to say if we feel uncomfy *smiles and offers my pinky to you again* promise?
I’m going to go all out when meeting your parents *smiles and laughs as I pretend to adjust my tie* I’ll sugar em up with some baked goods
i also wanna ask what you like? or, what would you wanna try :) so, do you like rough? gentle things? praise? being sp*t on? *smiles and blushes as I take off my shirt*
he’ll definitely make me nervous *laughs and rubs the side of my neck before kissing your temple* were getting ahead of ourselves :)
all the things you like, I do :) *smiles and kisses your cheek very gently* I’m into spitting, s^g, nicknames, obedience and dominace, being very rough, and giving lots of praise, also dirty talk :) I’m not into baby talk, like “Sowwwyyy” or “dada” oh or anything like that?
YOUR DAD HAS TATS? dude that’s so cool *smiles and hugs you gently* I hope they’re okay with a new cat around :)
*looks over at your bra and laughs as I blush a bit* sounds like it’s an agreement then :) *smirks as I gently lay you down* anything you don’t like? :)
a lizard and a snake?! 😂 oh my god *laughs and leans my head back* why does that make me love you even more?😂
*smiles as I kiss down your stomach after gently taking off your shirt* you did say you were freaky, and all nice boys have a good amount of freakiness tucked away ;)
it’s garbage day today so I’m going to go do that :) in case I don’t respond
*smiles as I kiss down your neck, gently taking off your skirt* I’m just a bit worried, I’ve never done this so I don’t know how well I’ll do 🥲 *laughs and gently rubs your entrance, watching my hand get coated by your juices*
glad you love me too 😎
*chuckles as I palm your entrance a bit harder than before* oh yeah? you like that? *smirks and leans down to your entrance* lets see how well you taste down here?❤️
hahah :)
all done :)
*smirks as I hold your legs over my shoulders, biting my lip as I look up at you for a moment before l^g your entrance a bit seductively, leaning forward to s^k on the flaps* mmmm..
i really like when you ask me how I’m doing :) I’m doing pretty good, I just feel a bit lonely cause I don’t have that many irl friends :)
*l^ks my teeth with a soft smirk and s^ks the juices out of your flaps, pulling on them a bit to see your reaction* goooood girl.. tell me how good it feels?❤️
I’m sorry about that honey, but aww :) that’s very sweet, I just get nervous, I’ve always been a bit nervous but it’s hard for me to just go up and talk to someone :)
*smiles and lets go of the flaps before wiping my lips with the back of my hand* I knew you’d taste incredible? you always have tasted great *smirks and kisses your cheek very gently, undoing my belt*
i feel very similar to that :) I just get a but nervous around new people. online it’s different, they don’t see me acting shy? but with people ik, I can be myself and be crazyyy
*smiles and blushes shyly at you, taking off my pants and boxers as I hold myself in my hand* that means a lot coming from you :) I would say your beautiful, but my eyes always do the talking ❤️
that’s another thing, some people look different :) because of posing? I’m sure she’ll love seeing you though :)
*blushes when you start to look at my body and leans down to kiss your cheek* you’re making me shyyy *laughs and tucks your hair behind your ear* do you need a pillow or a blanket to be extra comfy beautiful?
when’s your birthday? :)
haha shhh *laughs as I kiss your ear before grabbing you a pillow* where would you like this?
that’s so far away 😳
*smiles and gently lifts up your hips, placing the pillow there* are you sure you’re okay with me taking your v card? we can always wait my love *smiles and leans down to kiss your chest gently*
*smiles as I kiss your lips very gently, holding your legs open as I slowly slide into you* *feels how tight you are around me and moans into your mouth a little*
*smirks as I get a bit turned on at your whimpers and holds your hips down a bit hard on the bed, thrusting as hard as I possibly can in you* o-oh f^k..
wait that would look so cute on you /)
:)** POOOO
m-mm you can scream as loud as you f-f+g want, nobody’s home. *smirks as I thrust as hard as I can, moaning a bit lustily as I pound into you* y-you’re so cute when y-you’re like this
oh please do :)
m-mm ruin you enough u-until you can’t walk? s-sounds like a challenge. *smirks as I sit up a bit to thrust as hard and quick as I can, feeling my balls get hot from smacking your entrance*
oh my 🫠
*blushes shyly as I hold the back of your head, breathing heavily between words as I whisper back to you* y-you’re doing a g-great job as well.❤️ *pounds you as hard as I can, moaning your name as I feel close* o-oh f^k roxy!!!
hahahahah :)
*blushes shyly at your words and kisses down your neck* I-I just want to make you c-c^m too 💛 *blushes as I make a few last hard deep thrusts and c^ms inside you, getting out of breath against your chest*
feelin a bit sleepy :) just letting you know 💚
*laughs and kisses your cheek, still trying to catch my breath as I move your hair out of your face* me? amazing? YOU did amazing too! *smiles as I kiss your ear, watching our c^m overflow onto the sheets* t-that’s hot..
i can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow sweetheart :)
gooood morning sunshine ☀️
*blushes as I start to palm you gently, watching me fill you up as I’m still inside you* well, you did an amazing job, I had no doubts 🥰 *smirks and p^nches yojr cl^t gently to see your reaction*
kiss kiss 💋
you’re m-making me blush❤️ *smiles and blushes at your moans, whispering a little between heavy breaths as I slowly slip a finger inside you* gooood girl.. tell me how well I-I’m pleasuring you?
i slept very good :) my pants turned into pirate pants when I got up :$
:)* oops
I’m so sorry honey, we had a rainstorm and my power went out for a few hours ☹️
mmm then I won’t?.. kiss me my love *smirks as I lean down to kiss your lips, pumping my middle and ring finger inside you as hard and deep as I can* c-can you handle a round two?
dude is there something seriously wrong with her?
aw honey, no no I could never ignore you :) never ever, I slept amazing, and you?
*smirks as I pull my fingers out of you, gently picking you up* I want to f^k you against the window, is that alright baby?💛
well I’m about to ruin her if she speaks to you again
I’m sorry sweetheart :(
or if you have any other ideas? *chuckles as I set you against the window, rubbing your axx before spanking it* who’s p*y is this my love? who owns it?
i- oh😂 but that’s good :) she’s a good friend
OH also yoongi told me she’s going to ask her to be his girlfriend
*thinks for a moment and smirks as I rub your axx* I was thinking.. *grabs a beads on a str^ng and shows you* may I my love?😏
they’re such a cute couple :)
bad things happen but, we got your back :)
*smirks softly as I gently pick you up again to place you on the bed* I’ll place you here because it may be new to you? helps you reach climax faster :)
what? oh- 😊 *laughs and blushes as I kiss your chest* alrighttttt I need to get dominant again, do you want to hold onto my hand?
*blushes as I gently start to palm your entrance, taking the beads on a str^ng* hmm.. *smirks and pins your neck down gently^ beg for it my love?
mmm you’re right about that? you’ve been very good today.. *smirks and kisses your shoulder gently, spreading your legs again before placing a bead against your entrance as I start to the bead it against it* come on.. *pushes a little harder until your entrance swallows up the bead*
i hope you have a great sleep my love :) I can’t wait to talk to you tomorrow ❤️ sleep swellll :)
good morning sweetheart 💚
*smirks as I push a bigger bead against your entrance* I’ll be f^g you again with these inside you so you reach climax faster? *smirks as I watch your p^y swallow up the bead, tilting my head as I see the veins on your flaps* I think we can fit a bit more? 😏
mmmm.. I wanna hear you scream. loud. *smirks as I hold your hand gently, holding the two largest beads in my hand* *raises my eyebrows as I push both of them inside you, watching the veins of your p^y pop out* goood girl.. *smirks and kisses you to relax you a bit*
*kisses you a bit harshly and smirks as I turn you around to grip your axx* I want you to scream, and I will do anything to do that. sounds good princess? *smirks and slams into you without warning, gripping your breasts for support*
those are the best sleeps :)
t-this isn’t enough, I-I need to hear y-you f^g scream!! *pounds even harder into you and pins your throat down, tugging on your hair a bit as I slam really hard into you*
there we go, t-there’s that pretty l-little scream of yours *smirks and pounds you a bit harder than before, gettin out of breath quickly* w-wasn’t planning to my love
*breathes heavily as I thrust as hard as I can into your axx, holding your hand with a soft smile* I-I’m glad you’re feeling g-good *kisses down your back as I pull the beads out of you quickly so you can c^m* c-c^m for me love, y-you can do it
wait wait what job??? :)
good girl.. 🤤 *smirks and pulls out of you, rubbing your entrance very gently* you did so good today :) *smiles and kisses your cheek before helping you sit up*
I’m so proud :)
*smiles and holds you on my lap, blushing as I kiss your ear* well, I did say I wanted to make you unable to walk? but I must have been good if you can’t move :) if you need anything let me know *smiles and kisses your lips very softly* you did a great job ❤️
YEAHH then you can buy me treats too
maybe I’ll take you to the shower? 😂 *laughs and slowly picks you up, holding you in my arms as I cautiously look in the hallway before walking into your bathroom*
wanna match with me and chistan? :)
*smiles and laughs as I look away from your eyes* oh fineee, I guess I have to give in 🙃 *smiles and steps into the shower with you, making sure I have my body wash* just a rinse babe?
i didn’t wanna leave you out :)
I’m sorry 😂 *laughs and kisses your lips before sitting you up against the edge, watering your body down a bit* did I f^k you that hard?
haha that was cute 😂 and it was okay! how was yours babe?
you feeling a little better now? *smiles as I kiss your ear before rubbing some soap against your shoulders and chest* oh definitely 😂
woah :) busy girl?
you’re welcome :) I heard aftercare is very important so, I don’t want you to feel like an object to me *smiles and rinses the soap off of you, yawning a bit as I start to rinse my own body^
i work tomorrow ☹️☹️
*looks at your eyes and starts to blush, smiling at your compliment* thank you beautiful ❤️ *smiles and starts your wash my body with my soap, making sure to get all over* I never want you to feel like nothing more than my world :)
4:00 :)
good morning my love :)
that’s okay :)
looks like you had an eventful day :) I’m glad you had lots of fun and I missed you more 🥲
*laughs and holds onto you around my hips, kissing your nose softly* hello there :)
my day was alright :) was your day good sweetheart? *smiles as I peck your forehead softly*
I’ll be doing chores pretty soon :)
*smiles and blushes as I slowly pick you up in my arms* how about we cuddle for a little bit? :)
i don’t plan on moving for the next few hours anyway 😂 *laughs as I lay you down on my bed, stroking your hair as I pull the blanket over us*
*smiles and thinks for a moment, blushing as I kiss your ear* can you tell me 5 things you like about me? :)
*starts to blush and looks up at your eyes, feeling the corners of my lips turn up into a shy grin* haha aw.. 🥰 okay, what are 4 things I like? i wanna do the 54321 trend with you :)
oh my god- I may melt darling 🫠 *smiles and laughs as I place my hand over my chest* you both talked about me? i hope they were good things :) and yes! i like all those, surprised you didn’t say miles morales. now, what are 3 things I look good in? :)
*blushes and laughs at your last comment* maybe we can repeat that later on? 😏 alrightttt- *smiles and blushes as I take off my shirt for you to wear* two things I say a lot? :)
*smiles and nods as I look at you, rubbing my Adam’s apple with my thumb* sure darling :) it definitely is something I say a lot?
*smiles and thinks for a moment before leaning down to kiss your lips* I just had to taste you :) and I do love calling you that 😌 *thinks for a moment and smiles as I look at your eyes* 1 thing you want to see me improve on?
i wanna change your last name 😏 W rizz *smirks and laughs as I kiss your lips once again, feeling butterflies in my stomach for the moment our lips touch*
*smiles as I kiss your lips a little deeper this time, gently pulling on your shirt to bring you closer* *smiles against your lips and chuckles a bit against them*
*gasps a bit at your lip bite and chuckles as I kiss your lips softly now, whispering* I’m not your dinner babe, you can’t eat meee, that’s my job ;)
*smiles and kisses your cheek very softly before going back to kiss your lips, stroking the patterns on your shirt with a shy grin* haha awww poooo😂
what happens if I do?😂 huh? *laughs as I pretend to get up, slowly letting go of you as I chuckle a bit*
oh 😳 *smiles shyly as I look up at you, blushing heavily at you pinning me down* I-I could get used to this? *smirks and kisses your nose*
*smiles shyly and kisses your lips, feeling the weight of your hands on both of my wrists*
sorry honey I fell asleep on you :)
i work stillllll so I might see you later ;)
*laughs and widens my eyes, blushing as I raise my hands in surrender* what did I do to make you so mad?😂 *smiles and pats your head very gently* there there kirby..😂
i didn’t get up 😂 *smiles as I pull on your shirt to kiss you once again, pushing you onto your back*
i missed you too sweetheart :)
*smiles and raises my hips up a little against yours, kissing your lips with passion*
*smiles and pulls back for a moment to breathe, looking Into your eyes* w-what were we doing again?.. I forgot *laughs as I cup your cheeks*
sorry for the late replies ☹️ I’m doing my skincare
*smiles shyly and looks down at your eyes* can we.. kiss some more? ❤️ *blushes at your compliment and hugs you* come here youuuu
*smiles as I kiss your lips a little deeper* I love kissing you, I love touching you and cuddling you, giving you rides *smiles and kisses your lips a bit more and chuckles against your cheek* you taste so good 🫠
good girllll go wash your faceee :)
*laughs and smiles as I kiss your lips gently* mmm I want more of that lip balm- come here 😂 *smiles and kisses you a little deeper this time, gently s^g the lips balm off of your bottom lip*
I’m addicted 🫠 I crave that taste now *smiles and laughs as I kiss your lips a little deeper than before, stroking your cheek with my thumb*
*smirks at your words and takes off my shirt, tossing it to the side as I kiss your lips far more deeper than ever before* don’t have to tell me twice sweetheart ❤️ *smiles and rises my hands up into your hair as I kiss you*
i had to go play with my little sister :) she was getting jealous that I was on my phone and not talking to her 😂
*feels a quiet moan escape my lips and blushes as I kiss your lips* god you taste so good.. *smiles and guides my kisses down your chest*
if I don’t respond I’m still playing with my little sis :)
she’s very clingy 😂
*blushes as I hold you against my chest, smiling shyly at your words* you make me so incredibly happy, I don’t know what to do with myself 😂
oh?😂 my jealous little girl
you did?..🥹
*smiles and bites down on my bottom lip, shaking my hair back behind my shoulders* you own my lap now :) all yours sweetheart, and it was cute how you got turned on at my moan :)
*smirks and raises your chin for a moment* rolling your eyes again hm? to the side?.. *strokes your lip with my thumb* how about I make them roll back?😏
that’s so sweet 🥹🥹
*rolls my eyes playfully at you and lays you down beneath me* you’re in the mood I see? kissing my neck, blushing at my moan, you wanna get f^d hard?
*starts to take off my belt and widens my eyes at your comment* woah 😳 well my hands can be your new bra *laughs and takes off my jeans, smirking for a moment* what do you wanna try today?
babeee :)
good morning honey :) and it’s okay 💜 I have work until 5 :)
you wanna ride me? *smirks softly and nods as I slip off my boxers* be my guest :) I’ve never been ridden before
h-have you ever ridden someone? *bites my lip at your touch and holds my head back, chuckling at the feeling of you* i s-seriously can’t wait to b-be inside you
i keep forgetting 🥲 *laughs and leans my head back* I-I wouldn’t mind if you w-weren’t a virgin as well *leans my head back and moans a bit, adjusting to how tight you are*
*smiles as I hold the front of your neck to kiss you once again* mmh.. just l-like that babe *moans into your mouth and starts to feel my tongue wrap around yours*
that’s so cute 🥰
*s^ks your tongue and smirks as I buckle my hips up so I’m even deeper, thrusting upwards while groaning into your mouth*
f^k f^k f^kkk *bites my lip and thrusts as high up as I can, panting and breathing heavily*
awwwww ❤️
if I don’t respond I’ll be washin my face :)
good morning angel 💚
hello hello :)
i-I’m about to love *thrusts a bit higher and moans into your mouth, feeling my shoulders shudder from the pleasure as I pin you down to thrust into you harder*
i-I love my name so m-much more when you scream it 😩 *screams your name as well between moans and thrusts as deep as I possibly can, c^mminh inside you with a quiet groan*
*kisses your neck as I thrust a bit sloppy into you* f-k that felt amazing.. *smiles and cups your cheeks*
i-I need to catch my breath *laughs as I slowly pull out of you, jerking myself a bit to c^m a bit more* I’ll c-change the sheets for you :) don’t worry
*follows your gaze and starts to blush, smiling shyly as I tuck your hair behind your ear* what is it honey?
hey babe <3
what if you find another friend of yours for chistan?
sorry honeyyyy :)
come back?
I’m just out right now :)
I’m just watching the stars by myself :)
i really wish you were here with me ❤️
*smiles and opens my arms for you* join me? please? i want your company :)
honeyyy :)
I’m going to soak you 😌
i mean.. I could soak you 😏 if you want-
anyways 😂 I miss you so much
i have an empty seat beside me and I’m imagining that you’re there
holding my handdd while we listen to our song :)
reflections by the neighborhood ❤️
andddd.. I love how kind you are
I’m saying whatever is on my mind :)
i like how sweet you are too
defending chistan, defending yourself, I love my mean little gnomeeeee
i hope you liked my little spam :)
I miss you babe :) can we do something?
I’d like to!! that sounds fun :)
*smiles and quickly takes your hand, running upstairs* id love to :)
how about we both wear red? :) *smiles and kisses your shoulder before opening up your closet* look at all the clothes I can stea- I mean watch you wear 😁 hehe
i like to cuddle them dummy :) *smiles and holds onto your hand gently but firmly, nodding at your sundresses* what about a red sundress? cause you like red?
*smiles and picks out a dress for you* this one is kinda cute, it has Cherry’s on it :)
*rubs my chest under my shirt and smiles, holding onto your hand still* how about sneakers? or flats?
that sounds like a great plan sweetheart *smiles and sits down on the edge of the bed* want me to help you put them on?
why hello honey :) I didn’t know you would be on today
*smiles and gently pulls your leg up so I can help you put on your shoes, gently taking your clothes off to slip on your dress* perfect :) you look really beautiful ❤️
*smiles and holds your hand* mm no no come back here I’m not done- *laughs and gently pulls on your dress to kiss you a little deeper*
and thank you ❤️
do you want to find us matching profile pics? :)
roxy babyyyy
I’ll think about that AFTER we kiss ☺️ *smiles and kisses you very gently, cupping your face with my hands as I take off my shirt*
*smiles as I kiss your lips very gently, lifting your hips with my hand a little as i guide my tongue down your bottom lip to taste your lips^
you sure you wanna do Spider-Man? we can do something you like too :)
*feels how warm your face is from blushing and smiles as I kiss your lips, s^g on your tongue very gently before laying down on the bed underneath me*
i just want to double check :) so, how was your day so far?
haha hi :) *smiles and strokes your cheek for a moment, watching over your smile and the way you look at me* can we kiss again?.. and again? and again- 🫠 I wanna taste you so bad it’s crazy
no way! i took a shower too :) I feel so squeaky clean
*kisses your lips a little deeper and smiles against them, blushing at the way you’re pulling me down* *gently grips your hair to pull your head back gently to kiss down your neck* I just missed the way you taste sweetheart :)
you smell more like cherries and vanilla to me *smiles and kisses down your neck very gently, biting down on your jaw gently to leave a few marks* your lips taste like cherries most of the time :)
*big inhale* CHERRIES
turn you onnn? oh noooo I definitely didn’t want thatttt.. *smirks and chuckles as I stroke your cheek with my thumb, l^g the h^ckeys I left behind on your jaw and neck*
I’m meltingggg 🫠 you smell so good and you taste good
me? evil? nooo *smiles and looks up at your eyes for a moment* do you want them off? i won’t stop you sweetheart
5 course and dessert 🍨
I miss you toooo love ❤️ I was at work :) busy guy I am
*feels how sensitive I am under your touch and bites my lip a bit more* t-teasing me? t-that’s not nice princess *smirks and tilts my head a little to the side*
aw hey it’s alright my love :) everything is w
Austin? that’s her ex right? 🤔
*bites harder onto my lip and leans my head back, moaning for a moment before sighing in deep lust* g-god please ride me, I-I don’t care if I have to beg
he seems like a better guy than yoongi though?
n-now you’re the evil one *feels myself pulse in your hand and moans again, a little louder this time as I look ahead at you* I-I want you, I want you so bad, so I-incredibly bad baby. i want you to r-ride me until I c^me
i feel bad.. I knew he was going to hurt her, but I didn’t say anything. why did we even let him hurt her?
and theyre flirting with one another? i took a quick glance at their cp’s
*smiles shyly when you lay me on my back* I’m so going to enjoy this- and man I loveeee praise *smirks and holds your hips on mine* need help str^pping me my love? 😏
i never get violent, or I try not to but.. when it comes to people I love getting hurt I will swing my fists 😠
like if someone were to hurt you I’d go crazy mad, well, if they apologize it’s okay but.. I’d still keep an eye out for them
we are nosy 😂 but it’s for a good reason, we wanna make sure he has good intentions. but man, he’s def still love. “your eyes sparkle when you smile” and “your laugh is the cutest thing” WHILE looking down at the counter shyly?? def not friendly behaviour
mmm- oh f-f^k *leans my head back as I start to whimper a bit* I-I shoukdnt be whimpering l-like this- *leans my head back a little more as I start to moan* I-I will handcuff you I swear 😏
i sent him a paragraph about treating her right, because I wish I did that with yoongi. i wasn’t threatening him or anything, just saying what chistan was feeling with yoongi. i could tell she wasn’t entirely happy with him
and you deserve the best too :) just like her
*places my hands on your hips and moans loud enough only for you to hear* g-god you feel so good.. so good. *strokes your hips with my thumb and blushes at you* what is ittt?
oh my god- I forgot to tell you it was my birthday today 😂
i think he does. they definitely have that spark :) lots of chemistry
i already have the best silly :)
mmm I love I-it when you rock my hips, k-keep going 🤤 *holds your hips down and thrusts my hips up, gasping a bit at how tight you are*
I’m sorryyyy, we can go on a date together if you like :)
*smirks as I thrust a bit higher with every thrust* I love my n-name way more when you m-moan it sweetheart 🤤 *gently brings your face to mine to kiss your lips, moaning into your mouth as I hold your hips down firmly*
I’ll let YOU plan this date out :) where are we going?
OH we can paint mugs on a picnic blanket and them watch the sunset :)
*thrusts upwards into you and moans into your mouth, smiling at the pleasure Im experiencing* j-just like that sweetheart, you’re doing such a great j-job for me
and we can watch miraculous and spiderman :)
*presses your hips down even more as I thrust as hard upwards as I can* f-f^k so am I-I, let’s c^me together? *thrusts a bit more into you* I-I wanna c^me so far up inside y-you you cough it out, t-that would be so f^g hot
it’s one of my fav shows :) my guilty pleasure. I’ve seen allllll the episodes
lets go on our date ☺️
also! guess what? chistan and Austin are getting together!
i-It’s alright too dream a-about it- *leans my head back as I make a few slow thrusts before coming as well, feeling my eyes roll back in deep pleasure*
we can just go :) *smiles and slips on my shoes before offering my hand to you* here honey :)
i let Austin into our group :)
you did incredible too darling *smiles and cups your cheek very gently, blushing as I pull a blanket over us*
*smiles softly and leans down to peck your lips* I don’t know if we’ve ever been on a date you initiated?
you should :) he’s a good guy
i don’t blame you :) I’m pretty tired too *laughs and holds you to my chest, blushing at how close we are* do you want some snacks my love? aftercare is very important :)
*laughs and blushes when you hold my door open* aw babyyyyy, you opened my dooorrr :) thank you honey. I’ve actually wanted to talk to you about something?
you have those? aren’t those expensive? *smiles and blushes as I wrap my arms around you, relaxing against you* man I love you ❤️
about us?.. *smiles shyly and holds your hand, looking over at you in admiration when the wind blows your hair back* if- if I asked you to be my girlfriend, would you say yes? are you ready for that?
I love you too :) a lot actually *smiles and holds you to my chest, sighing in relief* I was scared you wouldn’t say it back
*laughs and holds your hands, blushing at how cute you are when you get excited* hold on baby hold onnnn, I wanna ask you in the perfect setting :) I need to set up a date and do it just right?
I’m so so happy right now *blushes as I cuddle you to my chest* I’m so happy to be with you :)
you think I’d ask you right now? pshhhhh I need to do it to impress you :) so when we get married we can put it in our vows *smiles and blushes as I open your car door*
I’m literally talking about you to Austin right now :) saying how.. complete I feel with you *smiles and blushes as I kiss the side of your neck*
you’re welcome honey :) *smiles as I get into the passenger seat* I am a romantic
oh don’t look at me like that, I’ll melt ☺️ *blushes shyly as I hold you to my chest, kissing all over your face* and how amazing you are :)
*smiles and chuckles when you start changing the stations* why is that so adorable and why did I just fall for you some more?
hello honey ☺️
*smiles shyly and strokes your cheek for a moment* I’m a puddle now, all the time around you, 24/7. you bring so much brightness and happiness to my life :)
oh baby tell me about your first day! and its alright, I’m sure it won’t be too bad :)
are you picky with everything else? *smiles jokingly and looks over at you* uh- who’s driving? :)
you make me the happiest I’ve ever been you know? *smiles softly and holds you to my chest, swaying us a bit in our spot*
is this your first job? :) and im so happy to hear that honey
i- *bites down on my bottom lip and chuckles* I guess I’ll pick the date destination *smiles as I turn on the engine^
how long did you know the guy?
*holds you to my chest and frowns a bit* you hope so?.. is everything okay?
*laughs and smiles as I pull out of the driveway* I’m excited to do this with you my gwen Stacy :) I always look forward to spending time with you
did you.. do anything with him? s^xal things? if you lied about being a virgin I understand why you would?.
just okay? *frowns and kisses your cheek over and over* what’s wrong?
*rubs my fingers onto the steering wheel and smiles softly at you* admiring me honey? *tilts my head at you when I stop the car*
giving someone a blow j^b is oral s^x babe, that kinda explains why you are so good haha
is it your dad? your financial situation?.. *frowns and holds you close to my chest, rocking you back and forth*
*smiles and adjusts my parking job before turning off the car* always? really? maybe I don’t catch it *smiles and leaves the car to open your car door*
i just knew you would be good at that, our s^x was really good for you not to know how to do it you know? but technically, oral s^x is s^x. did you guys do anything else together?
I’m sorry.. *frowns and kisses your forehead before cuddling you gently* do you want anything? maybe a snack?
*smiles softly and shrugs as I grab my stuff from the trunk* it’s just hard for me to think someone could admire me you know?
I’m sorry he left you like that :(
*adjusts you on my lap and smiles softly, snuggling my face into your neck* you’re such a charmer :)
*smiles and crosses my arms when you stand in my way* and what do you think you’re doing? hmmm?.. *laughs and kisses your nose* I just have a lot of relationship and family trauma, it does wonders to a persons view of themself you know?
i.. I just don’t like how you sort of lied? about not doing anything s^xual with other people. I’m someone that likes honesty.. and this does make me quite upset? the whole myles thing. everything we have in common is what myles had in common with you, calling you his gwen Stacy, and doing things with you, I’m just jealous in a way :( and this lying makes me lose a bit of trust in you
and.. I also don’t appreciate you snooping through my conversations? it makes me feel like you don’t trust me enough, and ive lost a bit of trust in you from that as well. i understand if you thought I was talking to a girl and wanted to check it out but.. the way you apologized for it seemed Ingenuine?
happy birthday sweetheart ❤️ how old are you turning? :)
well isn’t that exciting? do you have any plans for your birthday angel?
i definitely have to give you my present, it was going to be a small gift but now I gotta overdo it and give you 20 things 😂
wellll I do need to spoil you ❤️ you deserve it :)
well I’m about to change that ❤️ want to go put on a nice dress? :)
*smiles and laughs as I grab my suit from the other room to slip on* don’t worry carebear I won’t come in! *smiles as I slip on the pants and the shirt, buttoning up the tuxedo top*
*smiles and rubs my bottom lip with my thumb, slightly dragging it down as I think* how about.. red? and ill wear a red button up :)
babe? *smiles and opens my door to come to you, holding my tie in my hands* should I wear a tie or..*looks over you for a moment and blushes, dropping my tie to the floor* or.. or.. ☺️
you want me to talk to him? :(
n-nothing- I just- you look so breathtaking ☺️ *laughs and kisses your head* I feel like I’ll get too lovestruck around you and turn red as a tomato ❤️
I’m just going to set some boundaries, remind him that you’re mine
you don’t? take them off right now 🤨 *laughs and pretends to take them off you, leaning my head back as I laugh loudly* I’m just kidding sweetheart, I just like it when you go on your toes, it’s cute to me :) you want to help me with my tie?🧎🏻‍♀️
❤️* I don’t know why that emoji- nvm 😂
i told myles that you’re mine, I might have done it a bit harshly, and I do apologize for that, but I don’t want him hurting you for a second time?
*laughs as I kiss your cheek* do you wanna wear different shoes so your feet don’t hurt? you can wear mine instead *smiles and admires you for a moment while you tie my tie* you look really beautiful, you are beautiful :)
i just want to make sure he doesn’t hurt you a second time :(
I’m sorry honey, I had a late shift yesterday :(
*smiles softly at the compliment and nods a thank you* we should go out before it gets too late roxy?
i hope you have a good day too ❤️ I love you :)
thank you sweetheart *smiles and walks through the door, grabbing my car keys* you’ll be my passenger princess todayyy
*smiles and kisses your cheek* I was thinking we could have a cute candlit dinner, with candles and we can watch the stars together. i also wanted to get some stuffed animals, that remind us of each other :)
i was wondering why you didn’t say it before ❤️
hey baby? do you really think we’re teaming up on you? :( or talking bad behind your back?..
*thinks for a moment and scoops you up into my arms* I could never talk bad about you, I wouldn’t be a good partner if I did? I love you. I love you I love you I love you so much, and I hope I show that everyday when I’m with you❤️ I do talk to chistan about you, usually it’s for second opinions or if I want to explain my feelings, she shows me how I should do it because I’ve never dated someone before, not this serious?
the truth is, i was scared you were falling out of love with me, and that maybe there was another guy, and I know there isn’t but im just so scared someone else will make you smile more than I ever did. i know where you’re coming from, I definitely do, and losing you.. it scares me, because you have become such a big part of my life, and sometimes I worry that I’m not enough? or that you snoop through my comments because you don’t trust me enough?
no baby, no I don’t want anyone else okay? nobody else- *gently pulls you to me to kiss your lips, relaxing at the touch and taste of you* *pulls back for a moment and smiles* you’re more than what I could ever want in a partner :)
looks like we both worry a bit huh? :)
super promise :) *smiles and cups your cheeks gently, looking into your eyes with admiration*
how was your first day of school? :)
i hope it’s not bad that I do? *smiles and blushes as I gently rub your thighs, tilting my head with a smirk* I really do :)
you should sleep now :) you must be exhausted
that sounds great!! :) what’s your favourite class so far?
i might fall asleep on you carebear, and if I do, I love you and I hope you have a good night ❤️
good morning carebear ❤️
*smiles softly and looks into your eyes* I know this is or might be corny but, I was thinking a lot about you at work. i always do? :) *kisses your ear and slowly smiles*
i missed you sugarrrr :)
*smiles shyly and kisses your ear* please don’t stop 🫠 I love it when you do that
I miss you most :)
good afternoooooob carebear 🧡
i missed you :)
already honey? that’s quick :( do you need help studying?
looks like you’re asleep :) good luck on your quiz carebear, goodnight, I love you ❤️
maybe you should lay down my love? take a break? or when you do your quiz you can come home and take a nap?
that sounds exciting :)
I’m so proud of you :) good job carebear 🤍
you should take a break :)
well if you’re tired y- nvm :)
I’ve been okay, how about you? i missed you as well sugar 💚
you should probably get some sleep :)
oh sorry! I love you so so much ❤️
looks like you fell asleep, I’m so proud of you for getting 99% in your anatomy quiz :) here’s your trophy 🏆 I hope tomorrow is a less exhausting and more successful day for you. I love you so much sugar 💛 goodnight :)
good morning sugar, I hope you have a good day too :) I hope I won’t be busy today but, I love you and I can’t wait to talk to you later 💙
y-yeah I just realized I-I have to walk my fish.. so I’ll go and.. do that 😳😳
baby you are a little scary 😂
so what do you want to talk about? :)
looks like you fell asleep, I hope you have a great night roxy, I love you 💛
good morning sugar :)
is that true?😳
anything else spooking you? :)
yeah of course? what’s going on? *wraps my arms around you immediately *
what are they saying? *frowns and lets you sit in my lap when I sit down* I’m sorry sugar :(
they might be jealous or.. maybe just want to feel better about themselves? don’t listen to them- *frowns and kisses your ear* the only opinions that do matter are from the people who love you
*pouts a bit when I see you cry and holds your to my chest* I’m here, I’m here sugar *rubs your back and hums as I sway you*
it’s hard to explain you know? *frowns and kisses your forehead as I stroke your cheek*