Collage by softkisses


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what.. what is this?🥹🥹
awww this made my day 🥰
the only drawing you’ll make? hmph ☹️
awww you drew kirby 🥰
i didn’t know it was national boyfriend day :)
oh no I didn’t remix u on national girlfriend day ☹️
oh? well one drawing is better than none
yeah :) thank you mariah
that’s sweet of you :)
so I don’t think we could draw together in the future hm? as a date?
awww ❤️ that’s so sweet babe
me neither 🙃
if I asked you to draw with me, and i set up a date and everything, and you said you didn’t wanna do it I might cry🥲 I love drawing so much
but thank you :) for that. and ill go to the club with you, last time we went it was something that’s new to me, and i guess I need to challenge my social battery
the doodle is my favourite part :) and your smile
ohhh can we paint?🥺
te amo :)
so you think they’ll be a next time?🥰
it doesn’t make me upset but- I do wish we could do something artsy together. I would find it cute if we painted and i teased your painting skills the whole time :)
i actually like being at the club? only with you though, I wouldn’t wanna go with anyone else?
i still can’t believe you drew me something ❤️
can we paint right now ?🥺
oh 🥰 maybe we could go out together. i kinda wanna look mysterious and hot while I drink my wine :)
and I love youuuuu🥰 I’ll draw you something quick
*smiles wide as I quickly grab my paints and two canvases*
yeah :)
my room :)
no no babe we’re painting together :) silly goose
nope :) *smiles and pats my bed softly* do you like baby talk babe? *smiles and hands you a canvas*
*thinks for a moment and looks down at you* babe you okay?
every shade *smiles and sits next to you, kissing your ear* you sure sugar? is this about Angeline?
*smiles softly and kisses your cheek* no you’re not babe.. what’s going on?
Mariah talk to me? *rubs your arm and smiles* whatever is bothering you this is a safe space to talk about it
okay :) I just wanted to make sure
do you wanna go sleep together instead?
looks like you fell asleep ❤️ goodnight darling :) I love you and I hope you have a great night :)
this looks incredible ❤️
your beautiful smile 🥰
my favourite part of this whole remix
i love your smile, and how it makes everything brighter
your cheeks get squishy when you smile ☺️
i still think this is the best drawing in the world because you drew it :)
even if I teased you a little bit 💙