Click here for some weird stuff šŸ˜µ

So apparently #blape (bellatrix and snape) #fluermione (fluer and hermione) #belamort (Voldemort and bellatrix) and most weirdly, #runa (Ron and Luna) are a thing. I went deep into the world of fan-fix kiddos. There's mo


Click here for some weird stuff šŸ˜µ So apparently #blape (bellatrix and snape) #fluermione (fluer and hermione) #belamort (Voldemort and bellatrix) and most weirdly, #runa (Ron and Luna) are a thing. I went deep into the world of fan-fix kiddos. There's mo

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šŸ˜ÆWow. I am going to try to erase all this from my memory.
I've seen SnapexHermione fanfics. . . that kinda crosses the line for me lol
I wasn't even going to try that. and hermione/bellatrix... I definitely see hermione as an independent woman that doesn't need a man, but I feel as though it would be more likely that she be matched with the opposite rather than the same gender.... that makes 0 sense. woah Maggie woah.