hi, I'm overly sensitive to any criticism because of my verbally abusive stepmom so now when my fiance gently tells me I did something that hurt him I have a complete breakdown and think he hates me and want to die because idk how to handle it 🙃 what's yo


hi, I'm overly sensitive to any criticism because of my verbally abusive stepmom so now when my fiance gently tells me I did something that hurt him I have a complete breakdown and think he hates me and want to die because idk how to handle it 🙃 what's yo

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(caption continued) what's your response to childhood trauma?
Thinking that I'm going to get yelled at/ have the other person be mad at me when I don't understand something 🙃
Which then makes it so if I don't understand something then I either don't tell them or I tell them but tense up because I don't know if they're going to or not
But sorry bout that tiegan that really sucks :(